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Seth_Asairo's Profile - Sentetsu Kurei (Approved)

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Quotable Prophet

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:07 am
Shinigami Appearance:
(Drawn - Need to Scan and Upload)
Kurei has a pale skin tone with hair to match. His silvery-white hair falls naturally to cover the right side of his face, while the other side seems to fold back behind his ear. His eyes, a swirl of grey and blue in color, are most often narrowed as if he is in constant speculation. Beside the hair on his head and his thin eyebrows, he is clean-shaven. His mouth also appears to be in a permanent smirk.

His upper torso is covered in a standard kimono (with a silk undershirt for comfort), colored grey with stripes following vertically and along the arms. Over this, he has a kamishimo of a pale blue designed slightly different for his preference. Instead of the coat ending at about the waist, it falls as a centerpiece between his legs, ending just below the line of his knees. About halfway between its end and his waist, a white circle with the kanji for "twelve" is placed, and vertically both above and below this is his family name "Sentetsu". Just below the point where the kamishimo creates a "V" around his neck, a pentagon with a five-pointed star is designed. The color of this coat is a pale blue.

His lower garments consist of a pair of cloth pants, with a silvery-white (similar to his hair) hakama. Standard white tabi are worn on his feet with a pair of straw sandals.

Full Name:
Sentetsu 'Three-Strikes' Kurei

Actual Age:

Appearance Age:

Date of Birth:
September 12th




154 lbs.


Seat/ Rank:
(Aiming for Captain - Posted a Roleplay example in the appropriate thread.)

Gigai Appearance:
(Drawn - Need to Scan and Upload)
In the world of the living, Kurei appears to be very different from his appearance as a Shinigami. His hair is much different, mirroring the hair he used to have prior to being assigned a squad. This hair is shorter and incapable of covering his face, as well as isn't near as straight, so stray locks of hair come out in small points. For the most part, this hair leans from the back of his head forward, but the rest will work outwardly from the center. His expression changes completely, since he's not fond of this world. Instead of a smug smirk and a speculative look, he instead has a ticked-off glare, with a pseudo-frown to match. As for facial hair, there is a presence, as though he hadn't shaved for maybe a couple of days, providing no appearance of a full beard and mustache, but the possibility of growing one.

His wardrobe changes completely, as his Shinigami clothing would be a complete misfit and get too much attention, not that the latter excuse bothered him. His upper garment is composed of a silver necklace with a small star-shaped emblem falling near the center of his chest and a hooded sweater with a zipper following the center on t he front. He usually has this undone, bearing his chest and torso. On the left shoulder, a grey-colored patch with a dark-blue star is sewn on.

His lower clothing is a pair of light-blue jeans with legs a little longer than is necessary and no socks or shoes. He feels that they aren't comfortable. If he's going to be walking on uncomfortable terrain, he will either have the loose ends of the pants wrap over his feet or he will pull a pair of worn-looking flip-flops from his back pockets.

If he enters a store where the "no shoes, no shirt, no service" rule is enforced, he will wear the flip-flops and simply zip his sweater up.

Zanpakuto Information:

Zanpakuto Form:
(Drawn - Need to Scan and Upload)
Ao-Hoshi, for the most part, has the appearance of O-Yoroi (Samurai Armor) with borders silver in color and most everything else a light-to-dark blue. The half-mask has a changing expression based on his current mood, but nothing actually moves, it simply changes in an instant. Just above the face-plate, a pair of eye-like points glow with the appearance of two distant stars. These are the only parts of Ao-Hoshi that seem to represent a person apart from the armor. The appearance of the armor begins to dissipate at the wrists and the waist, meaning that he will appear to float.

When in his own realm, Ao-Hoshi needn't spend near enough energy to manifest, so the armor all over is completely solid, without fading parts. This including a foggy appearance of someone in the armor is the major difference between his realm and anywhere else.

Zanpakuto Name:
Ao-Hoshi (Blue Star)

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
(Drawn - Need to Scan and Upload)

Zanpakuto Released Appearance:
(Drawn - Need to Scan and Upload)

Release Command:
Descend! Ao-Hoshi!

Shikai Ability / Attacks:
While in Shikai, Ao-Hoshi can, when wished to, pass through living organic matter without any adverse effects (trees, people, animals, etc.) This can be useful in many ways but primarily helps in the laboratories in Twelfth Squad.

Hiyoke (Blind)
Following this command, a cone of bright blue light emits from the base of the hilt outward toward the direction Ao-Hoshi is pointing. Direct eye contact within ten feet will cause disabled vision for up to four minutes, but targets will usually get their vision back within two. Anyone beyond that distance, but still within the cone's range will only suffer temporary impaired vision, as if affected by looking at the sun for a brief moment. Anyone not within the cone or at least fifty feet away are unaffected. In addition, Hollow affected by this may immediately recede to Hueco Mundo.

Mabushii Ao Hoshi ano Sora (Blinding Blue Star from the Sky)

Bankai Appearance:
(Drawn - Need to Scan and Upload)
When releasing his Bankai, Kurei will raise Ao-Hoshi above his head and whisper the release phrase to the heavnens, as though he were whispering to the stars in this sky. Following this, a beam of light, which is actually just his condensed Reiatsu appears to come from the sky, obscuring his appearance. When this beam of light disappears, his appearance is clear.

His wardrobe changes completely, now with a unique kimono and kamishima. The kimono is sleeveless on the right side, now with only a pair of leather bands on his forearm, which have a fishnet mesh between them. Split evenly four times on each of these bands are silk ribbons that flow of about two-and-a-half feet long. These ribbons are identical, all a pale blue in color that fork off into two points at the tip for two inches. Prior to this split, a single black star is placed, with the base of it (where two "legs" would be) facing the end of the ribbon. The left side of the kimono is very loose by the length it gets to his wrist. At this point, five ribbons with a slight difference from the ribbons on his right arm. The main difference in these are that they are made of the same material his kimono is made of, since they start directly from his sleeve. Next, they do not fork, but instead do the exact opposite. They instead end in a single point, with a hollow star carved with the top of the star facing the end of the ribbon. Behind this star, along the length of the ribbons, is a rhombus with three lines following it. The rhombus' color, as well as the lines, are a dark blue in color. The color of the kimono as a whole is a dark blue with a slightly lighter shade than the rhombus and line design on the ribbons.

Over his kimono is the kamishima with a heavy difference. It still bears the same color and still falls over his shoulders in a wide fashion, but not much else is the same. Instead of it falling below his waistline, it barely goes beyond the upper half of his chest. Centered between the "V" under his neck and the "V" it makes at the base, a design of a dark blue star (similar to the color of the kimono now) with a ring design of sun-flare in a counter-clockwise fashion surrounding it. On the back of the kamishima it doesn't make contact with the waistline, like the front. It wraps around his neck, then falls in an inverted fashion compared to the front, forking off into two points right behind his shoulders. The inside of the kamishima is silver, but appears darker than the rest of the coat because of the shadows caused by it being underneath an obstacle between it and light. The only way the true color shows is when Kurei's Reiatsu takes on a luminescent feature, like when he enters Waisei (though it's only brief in this case).

His hakama now is a very dark grey, but with hints of silver, as it will seemingly sparkle at certain light angles. In addition to this change, three metal ellipse-shaped rings tied down by the cloth from the hakama seem to always pull away from Kurei's body. There are actually translucent ribbons flowing from these rings. He has his usual tabi, but his straw sandals are a different color and appear to glow while he takes a place in the air.

While in this form, all of the ribbons attached to Kurei (including the near-invisible ones on his legs) are in constant motion and wave in accordance to his Reiatsu, faster movement meaning more Reiatsu being released at the time.

Bankai Ability / Attacks:
Hidama (Falling Star)
Following this command, a small sphere of about six inches in diameter, emitting a blue aura, rapidly fires in a linear fashion toward a target from the tip of Ao-Hoshi's blade. Anything within direct contact with this orb will suffer from severe burns, but wounds cauterize immediately, so bleeding is not an issue. When Hidama comes into contact with anything more than a gas (air included), it violently detonates and anything in its immediate vicinity will not only suffer the burns it causes, but are also launched away from the explosion due to the concussive force. A maximum of four Hidama can be fired before Kurei must exit Ao-Hoshi's Bankai.

Enbu: Hikui / Kannagi / Takai (Dance Performance: Low / Medium / High)
Following one of these commands, Kurei begins a flashy and very flowing 'dance' with Ao-Hoshi as a combat style. This dance involves a mixture of Shunpo, Hiyoke, and Hidama, as well as basic combat styles. Each altitude refers to the point at which the dance begins and, eventually, ends. If the altitude is low (0-5'), he will first attempt to sweep his foe off of their feet, then follow through by keeping them off of the ground until he makes a finishing strike to impale them on the ground. If the altitude is medium (5-10'), he will start by blinding his foe and follow through with a series of thrusting attacks with the tip of Ao-Hoshi, with no finishing move in particular. If the altitude is high (10' and higher), he will generally start with a Hidama and follow that by using Shunpo to get behind his foe for a surprise strike, while finishing the same way he started. While using any of the Enbu, Kurei doesn't need to announce either Hiyoke or Hidama aloud. In addition, he will only use the Enbu in a traditional one-on-one duel, as it's not suited for multiple-foe combat.

Waisei (Dwarf Star)
Following this command, Ao-Hoshi vanishes from Kurei's grasp and a source of light emits from Kurei's Reiatsu. After five seconds, Kurei is unbearable to lay eyes on because he mimics the brightness of a star. Anyone who continues to lay eyes on him will only see a progressively brighter light toward the center. This light is bright enough to clearly see it from five miles away, even with some obstacles obstructing the view. Two seconds later, Kurei's arms become dense enough to strike a blade without any adverse effects, effectively making them his replacement weapon. They also are very hot to the touch and can cause 'fourth degree' burns if applied for more than a second (the latter two only affects his forearms - this includes only the space between his wrists and just above his elbows). Ten seconds after the command word, Kurei's Reiatsu reaches a critical level so much that he can only move from one place to the next via Shunpo, causing him to tire very quickly. Regardless of how healthy he was when he started Waisei, Kurei will only last a maximum of forty seconds in this form, but generally he uses it as a last resort and can stay in it for only twenty. If Kurei stays under this effect until he drains himself of energy he may be left in a coma-like state for weeks, or worse, die. [He has mostly used his Bankai when he is alone in a lab to quickly heat and/or boil chemicals and compounds. When it comes to combat, he avoids it if necessary.]

All of these attacks seem to improve in some way at night while there is a clear sky. Kurei claims this is because he and his Zanpakuto's deep connection with the stars.

Kurei is extremely judgmental and adheres to most rules and laws as if breaking them would result in his immediate death. The main exception to this is during research, in which he may break many laws in order to prove to himself or someone else that something works. One of his most famous 'laws' he obeys is his 'Three-Strikes' law. This states that he may only make three attacks for each person he fights, therefore he would only get three attacks if he were dueling with one person or fifteen if he were to face five people. This is commonly misconceived however, as most believe he may only attack three times per person, but it only pertains to a maximum number of attacks he may make. His only exception to the rule is if he were facing any member of the Espada or another Captain in a friendly duel. Aside from this, he's very logical and avoids attaching emotion to reason.

Hobbies and Likes:
Kurei is a fan of friendly duels to pass the time, as well as star-watching (an equivalent to cloud-watching, but involving stars). He also likes to sit in his lab and experiment with uncommon compound in order to find something astounding, which usually never turns out the way he wants it to.

Personal Skills and Abilities:
Kurei can calculate most any probability, let alone any formula or equation in his head, generally leading to him saving time with experimentation on botched chemical formulas or less-than-preferred odds. This goes for both research and combat, as he has his strict 'three-strikes' rule in combat that he needs to follow. He may also utilize this skill to gamble (or rather, win), but this is only on night of a new moon. Aside from this, he has memorized every constellation in both the world of the living and the world of spirits, as well as can name almost any star in the sky and provide any information about it (usually without request). He is also highly talented in Bakudo (more specifically #9 Geki (Strike), #61 Rikujokoro (Six Rods Prison of Light), and #63 Sajo Sabaku (Chains of Binding)) and dueling.

Favorite Drink/Food:
He has absolutely no preference for food or drink so long as it is nutritious.

He really dislikes the world of the living and its' inhabitants for countless reasons. There is nothing above this except for a fool in any of his laboratories.

Biography and History:

Biography Before Death:
Kurei was more of a hellion while alive that he is now. He was extremely intelligent, but preferred to apply his knowledge to insult peers and superiors alike. His best subject was chemistry, as it was the only subject he couldn't get pulled out of unwillingly, sometimes staying overnight at the school for some projects. The most he remembers of his family is younger twin sisters and a mother, all with dark hair, but none of their faces are clear. He does know, for a fact, that his death was a prank by another student who had mixed up two elements in the corresponding containers and a wrong combination resulted in a fatal explosion that killed him and four others, as well as burned the compound to the ground.

Biography After Death:
Upon arriving at Soul Society, he has frantically met up with any dark-haired twins that arrived in case they were his younger sisters, as well as anyone that shared his family name, in hopes that he may eventually find his family. A century later, after no results, he found out that Shinigami would occasionally journey to the world of the living to fend off Hollow and send Pluses to Soul Society. Kurei joined in high hopes that he might be able to go back and find them as Pluses, since the concept of time between worlds was strange in Soul Society. While in the academy, he was himself, as usual, and was a slacker in all areas, almost to the point that he would be permanently banished from the academy. It was this that caused him to focus and apply himself, for the sake of his family.

It wasn't long before his genius in all areas appeared, as well as a taste and lack of for certain combat styles. This pertained mainly to Kido, where he shined in the subject of Bakudo and seemed disgusted with the art of Hadou. He was still required to learn both forms and, no matter how much he disliked it, followed through with the practice of it. When it became time to be placed in a squad, it was his intelligence that placed him in Squad Twelve, Research and Development. At first, he resented this and requested he be moved, but after decades of rejection (by Urahara and eventually Kurotsuchi, though not to his knowledge), the squad grew on him. Everything about it seemed to make sense.

It was after Kurotsuchi's time that Kurei applied for the Captain position, to which he was accepted and promoted. Under his leadership, the squad went under a minor change, which involved prerequisites before entering the squad for permanent placement. One of these prerequisites was a general knowledge of specific chemical compounds that would result in a specific genre, by his choosing that year. The next was extensive knowledge of Bakudo for the purpose of capture and experimentation on live subjects, this being of the utmost importance.

As of now, he is working on a new type of Gigai that will be capable of communicating with the Soul Society without the use of the issued cell-phones that is often used. He is also hoping it will help detect Reiatsu easier.

Kurei has had no contact with his family since his arrival in Soul Society, but can't exactly remember who they were in the first place.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:14 pm
Well, it doesn't look like I can scan my drawings anytime soon. My main computer's monitor has begun to fail on me and I don't have the capacity to fix it myself. I've sent it for repairs and should get it back within 7-10 business days. Until then, I'll start editing my profile for a written description of my character and I'll upload the drawings when I get the chance. I should finish Kurei's description within the hour, but the Zanpakuto and Ao-Hoshi's description may be a little more difficult to get right.


Okay, I've done what I can, for the most part. I'll add more to the Bio during the Role-Play and eventually start describing Ao-Hoshi's realm. Describing the Zanpakuto as a weapon isn't near as good as showing you the drawings, so I, and I apologize for this, won't bother.


Quotable Prophet

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Quotable Prophet

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:48 pm
Aren't I supposed to be getting feedback or something? I'd at least like to know if there are things that need changing.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:54 pm
Give a few minutes and I'll check it mate.  

Echo of Memnoch
Vice Captain

Echo of Memnoch
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:57 pm
I'm gonna leave this to Kasumi since I'm always very very biased to blinding type zanpakuto and hate them with every fiber of my being, same with organic passing.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:17 am
Thanks for at least looking at it, mate.


Now that you mention it, I'll go into more detail on how the phasing through living organics works:

As it has to be living, he can't ignore armors made of animal hide and the like, since this is dead material. It's more often used in melee for the purpose of sparring, since he can make killing blows obvious without the need to pull back, but instead pass through his target without causing serious harm. It can also be used while he is in multiple-foe combat with the possibility of an ally nearby, being capable of swinging rapidly without the need to worry about cutting down his comrade, but instead only worry about where he is and where his arms swing in accordance with them. It could also be used to break the prison someone is entrapped in whilst not cutting the person trapped. The only other things that could occur are very situational and would only come about on a rare occasion.

Also, when using this ability, he cannot selectively phase and un-phase in the middle of a subject, therefore he can't simply swing downward vertically and phase through their head, then re-materialize Ao-Hoshi while passing through their organs contained in the torso / abdomen area. It's either he is phasing through it, or he isn't, there's simply no way around this. If this isn't enough to shed light on that and to make it less / more (however you saw this) "god-modded", please let me know how else I could possibly phrase this.


Also, would it be possible I make another character, like a Vizard of low rank, as a temporary character and for more fun? I ask because no one is bothering with legitimate feedback or sending any kind of message as to what needs work.


Quotable Prophet

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singin Fighter
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:05 pm
So much reading! DX My eyes hurt. I approve. -lazy eye thumbs up- Captain of Squad 12. I would like to see those drawings mate.  
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