Character Name: Lamia Veneficus

Age: between 19-21, exact year of birth unknown

Physical appearance: She is about 5' 4" in height, with a medium build and a pleasing shape from, as men who see her think, very good genes of her mother, who ever she is. Her skin is softly tanned from working outside, yet smooth and not a blemish in sight as far as others know. Once in awhile, usually after a drink or two to loosen up, a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder is visible under her shirt. Her hair is black near roots and gradually changes to amethyst purple at the ends, falling in loose waves to ~3in. below her ear, but is long enough so she can still pull it back in a ponytail. Sometimes when she's angry or annoyed to the point of violence, her hair seems to writhe and twist all on its own. Her smooth face rarely shows emotions other than disinterest or boredom on a daily basis, but usually shows life when she's had something to drink. Beneath long raven dark lashes her eyes are dark steel gray around outer edge of iris, gradually going through shades of storm clouds, almost melt to a liquid sliver around the pupil. They seem to give off their own light, making her eyes so striking and alluring to men who dare to meet her gaze. They seem to shift and change in brightness according to her mood or an emotion she feels, and sometimes does not wish to express.
She usually wears long skirts, blouses that expose her shoulders and elude to her cleavage with a dark blue corset. She covers all this, though not very well, with a brown cloak, well-fitted leather boots with brass buckles at her ankle and at the top below her knee, and tops it all off with a dark grey witches hat with a braided leather band, appearing less like the traditional hat the way it is bent.

Personality: She’s more of a loner and comes off as cold-hearted and callous at times as she tries to stay out of the way of the ignorant people around her. She has a slight tendency to mess with people in the market by making food spoil randomly, or making bushels of fruit disappear. Normally she's one who is glared at by women for unknown reasons, and stared at by excited eyes of men. She often times toys with men in this way, with her alluring eyes she'll draw them in, then like an apparition she's gone leaving them hanging on her breath (or standing erect, in some cases).
But she’s not icy all the way through, she secretly wants to be accepted, respected, and loved by someone like she once was. She feels something different when she meets the leader of a band of rebels, Tysulir. It could be respect, fear, or it could just be the amount of money he promised her that she wants...or maybe even…affection...who knows....

Occupation: witch, people in town come to her for almost anything, but most fear her arts so they keep their distance from her and her home. She does whatever work she can to support herself...within reason, of course.

Biography: When she was just a child, an old witch named Anne took her into her home one cold rainy night. When soldiers come to the house and inquire about the child, the woman says she is her granddaughter she is caring for after her mother died. The soldiers bought the story, and Lamia was then given a home by the kindly old woman. Anne was formerly known as Annabella Veneficus, a famous witch of her time now retired. She raised Lamia like her own, teaching her everything she knew about magic and even simple things like cooking, sewing and etiquette.
Anne died when Lamia was 13 leaving her everything she owned including her name. When she chose to leave the only home she knew, she took the name with her becoming Lamia Veneficus.

Weapons: (for each weapon fill out the form)

Name of weapon: (if one exists)
Number of Points: 50 points
Weapon Skill: Outlet for Lamia's magical abilities, to cast spells, etc. while still allowing her to use swordplay, while also being able to use the scabbard as a defense if the need arises.
Description: Wooden staff with a hidden latch to conceal the sword inside, runes are carved into the wood in thin script like writing with a pencil or pen.


Name of ability: Spiritual Sight (or another name TBD)
Amount of points: ?
Description of ability: in basic terms she can read somone's aura and can determine if they are possessed by a demon who overtook a person's spirit for reasons unknown. She uses this ability to see that Tysulir is not really as cold as he appears. Sometimes this happens without her trying, other times she really has to focus on a person before she can see anything.

Elemental magic: (120 pts. total to use, need advice in distribution)

Fire: ? points
Water: N/A points
Wind: N/A points
Lightning: ? points
Earth: N/A points
Light Or Dark: ? points (you may only pick light or dark, NOT both) You are either a child of light, or a child of darkness, so whichever you pick you CANNOT go back from without the proper RP'ing with the light or dark people. If you want to be neutral then do not put light or dark on your profile)

Name of custom element:
Number of points:
Description of element:

Signature Attacks: (Signature moves are attacks that you have created during your fighting. In order to have one, you must have it approved in the profile update thread. These do not take points, yet use the points you have already placed. )
Name of Attack: (a long name or just a basic name, you do not have to have an incantation to use your attacks yet it helps for description.)
Number of points: (How many points equivalent for each of your skills used in this. Ex: 5 water 5 wind can be combined for an attack called snowball. These do not take extra points, but explain the amount of points you already have. You can a very small amount of the points you have on an element, to explain it is a weaker attack. Or extremely powerful.)
Description of Attack: (what does it do exactly? Does it have any special effects?)

Combination attacks: (Any attacks in which you combine your signature attack with another person’s signature attacks should be placed here, fill out the same form as above, yet place the name of the person who you are making the attack with)