Also known simply as The Swamp, this vast, mysterious wetland covers a very large area of the southwest Earth Kingdom. Both the flora and fauna of the swamp are densely packed and home to a variety of creatures including the glowing fly, elbow leech, blood sucking insects, screeching birds, and the catgator, a cross between a catfish and an alligator. Waterbenders also dwell within the swamp. Their ancestors migrated from the Southern Tribe thousands of years ago and called the swamps home due the large amount of water it contained.

Members of this Foggy Swamp Tribe hunt, fish, and travel around the watery environment with the use of skiffs, small canoe-like crafts propelled by Waterbending.

At its center stands an enormous, ancient banyan-grove tree whose roots spread out over miles. The swamp as a whole is actually made up of this single tree; one big, living superorganism. It's branches spread, then take root, then spread further. The inhabitants of the swamp base their philosophy on this phenomenon, citing that all people of the world no matter how different retain the same roots and are branches of the same tree.

Aside from its philosophical standpoints, the swamp contains deep spiritual qualities as well and is believed to be a sacred, mystical place. Enigmatic weather patterns and induced visions of the past, present, and future are all but commonplace within the swamp.