Human World Look:
Human World Look

Full Name:
Emily Roston

Actual Age:

Appearance Age:

Date of Birth:
December 7th





(Their position will be like the Espada's.)

Apperance with Hollow Mask
Hollow mask.

Zanpakuto Info.:

Zanpakuto Spirit type:

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
Sealed appearance.

Zanpakuto Released Appearance:

Release Command:
Muramasa! Reveal your blade!

Shikai Abilities
Sword Clone: Copies her Zanpakuto and it appears in his other hand allow her to dual wield.
Explosion: She wings the blade and an explosion will go off on the spot of contact and a line going straight from the spot of impact.
Fire storm: The blade will heat up and fire will exit with each swing.

Reforge: She can take any Zanpakuto and forge it back together.
Flame Guard: Pretty resistant to flames and heat. It takes a LOT for her to get burned. For a natural aura of heat always follows her.

She's quiet. I mean QUIET. She hardly talks to anyone except her Zanpakuto who's an Old man. She is really caring. She's nice. She just doesn't like to talk to anyone on a personal level.

Hobbies/ and likes:
Reading, staring, writing and making models.

Personal Skills and Abilites:
Emily loves to create model versions of things. It's that blacksmith spirit in her. She also loves to fix things that are broken. Something broken? Call her and she'll fix it for no charge.

Favorite Drink/Food:
Food: French fries.
Drinks: Anything Watermelon flavored.
Broken things
Bio History:

Biography Before Death:
She was, a daughter of nobility. She hated being noble. She always did the thing that was un-noble like. She learned to fight, she learned to make her own weapons. She learned how to fix things as well as read and write. She hardly talked to anyone besides her grandpa who taught her these things. They day she was polishing a sword she heard a boy break something. She stepped outside and saw what he broke was a sword of hers. She had fixed and handed it to the boy for safe keeping. The boy ran and handed to her parents whom the boy secretly worked for. Her parents disapproved and had her executed.
Biography After Death:
During her days at the academy, she got a job fixing everything she could, chairs, bones, and books. She started talking to an old blacksmith who knew the secret art of Reforging Zanpakuto. She loved being able to do this. Each day she learned more and more then she joined squad 4 learning to fix peoples bodies and Zanpakuto after battles. She was quite loved by the people and was in league to become Captain of squad 4. Until the day she was Vizardfied by the Former Captain of Squad 12 cause she had shot down the Captain many times. She left the Soul Society in fear of being hunted.
Biography After Hollowification:
She now lives on earth traveling from city to city avoiding being caught by the Soul Society. She always gets jobs fixing cars, items of value or other things. She now owns a shop in Karakura town as a Fix It All Shop. She accepts any job no matter how hard it may be.

Vizard Abilities:(Vice Captain Use Only)
* Enhanced Speed

* Enhanced Spiritual Power

* Enhanced Stamina

* Enhanced Strength

* Cero Blast

* Power Augmentation: With the acquisition of the mask through the subjugation of one's inner Hollow, Vizard gain access to an additional and separate source of power

* Mask Protection: Body damage can seemingly be ignored while wearing their masks

* Reiryoku Enhancement: Vizard have dual spiritual power of both Shinigami and Hollow, which enhances their abilities.

* Telekinesis: Vizard apparently hold varying degrees of telekinesis;