Name of weapon: Seigyoku Tosaka (The Sapphire Crest) ((The one on the left))User Image
Your Rank: Kage
Who owns the weapon: Luo Ushio
Where it was found/Who made it: Found washed ashore on the beaches of Vertigo Isle in Water Country.
Users Class: Weapon Class
The Range of the weapon: Short/mid range (Standard Katana)
Weakness: This blade is useless against the hyouton bloodline. It can itself be frozen forever in hyouton ice, therefore it's never wise to use this against a hyouton user. Apart from its range being limited, it is severely weak to Raiton of equal rank to the user, even going so far as to arc offensive techniques directly toward the weapon, harming the user.
Description: The Sapphire crest is a blade Luo found which washed ashore on vertigo isle during one of his private intensive training sessions. Picking the blade up, a voice rang through his head which simply stated, "The god of the sea has seen your villages plight. Go forth with this gift, the crest of my domain and strike down your enemies in the name of the water country." As the voice disappeared, he found himself with a wealth of knowledge of the blade's capabilities, even finding out it is often called the key to the ocean world. The weapon itself represented the sea. It's handle was made of an odd durable coral, and encircled by an unknown material. The blade itself seemed to be riddled with items reminding him of the sea such as conch shells and sea stars, and the final blade was eight pronged, the middle prong seeming to be different than the others. Luo would later learn this prong was from the middle prong of the sea god's sapphire trident. The whole blade was made of coiled and stretched sapphire with random hooks and catches for catching other weapons, or at least that was what he assumed as its durability was comparable to a normal katana. Finally, the blade had water and sea foam constantly snaking around it. It was almost as if the blade itself were an ocean of its own. The chain on the end with the sapphire conch shell snakes up around the users arm so that it has the capability to just "hang."

Special Abilities: Molecule expansion (A-Rank): Sapphire's crest is capable of causing the water molecules in a 100yd radius to rapidly expand and increase. This causes anyone not holding the blade to dramatically lose their speed. For anyone chuunin rank and below, it is as if the person were moving underwater. For jounin rank and above, the opponents speed is cut by 1/3 his total speed. This ability lasts for ten posts.

Channeling The Ocean God Within: This blade has the capability to allow the user to channel suiton through it without the use of hand seals, but instead appropriate swinging motions to initiate them. Further, if the holder of this blade uses hand seals for suiton while the blade is in use, then they receive +1 rank.