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Name of weapon: Rebel Edge
Your Rank: Gennin
Who owns the weapon: Tony Angelo
Where it was found/Who made it: A family keepsafe given to Tony by his aunt.
Users Class: Samurai
The Range of the weapon: Its melee but its a meter long
Weakness: Its made of a tough rock called obsidian but it has a tendency to shatter when its hit around at the crossguard.
Rebel Edge is almost like a regular sword except its made out of rock not metal. Its a broadsword but due to its weight it can be considered a Great sword as well. It is made of Obsidian giving it its distinct black color and its sharp edge. The obsidian is not pure obsidian its also mixed with another material that reacts to the hatake bloodline's white chakra sharpening its edge. The blade focuses the chakra up creating a sharpened edge, making it wider and longer by two inches and actually making the blade harder to break but its crossguard is still pretty weak and thats where it can be broken.

This is Tony's primary weapon.
Rp Sample:

Tony was preparing for the chunnin exams he was going to undertake and compared to all the other cloud gennin he was the one with the least amount of known jutsus because his blade was his strength.

He was basically training when another ninja jumped down next to him and smirked. "You'll never pass the exams if you dont know anything."

"Lets make a bet then?" Tony said as he slung Rebel Edge over his shoulder. "First one to chop of the other guy's arm wins the bet." Tony said and even before the other ninja could react he already threw a kunai at him.

The enemy pulled out his kunai and deflected the ones Tony threw. He quickly started a set of handseals. "You cant fight if the sword cant move. Raiton: Raikou Jishaku no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Magnet) " Clouds started to form and the kunai that were previously thrown were attracted to a cloud. "That wont stop him from swinging that sword but it would be hard for him to do so."
he thought as he prepared another set of seals.

Tony pretended that it was hard to move the sword but in fact he could move it just as before cause it was not metal. "Cheap trick." he said as he gripped it tighter and chakra started flowing through it making it sharper and larger. He dropped the sword from its position on his shoulder into the ground but he was still gripping it and it was still coated in chakra. He then pretended to struggle when he swung the sword horizontally at the enemy.

"Pathetic." the enemy said jumping above the sword and when he landed he charged straight for Tony. He finished the seals and preformed Raiton: Yaiba no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Blade Technique) creating a foot long sword of lightning and he was about to stab it into Tony.

"Bingo" Tony said as he allowed the heavy weight of the sword to flow when he swung it making him spin in a full circle then he hacked right into the elbow of his opponent chopping it off and knocking the enemy down. He pulled it up and then with both hands he held it above his opponent's head. "I was expecting more than a few sparks." he said commenting about the lighting jutsu then he deactivated the chakra flow and just slung it over his shoulder and walked away.

17. Once I do a run of acceptance I'm not doing it again for at least a week.