Chapter one
In the world of unknown

In a dark and rainy night a girl with short black hair with dark blue eyes looks out window and sees how the rain comes down from the black sky and she thinks “Hemp, there late…there always late.” Today was her kindergarten party and all her friends came and left with there parents while she stays alone in this big house were her parents are never around. Her nana comes in her room with a sad looking face and tells her “I’m sorry they said that they had a meeting with a new client and that they won’t be home my tomorrow.” The girl looks at her nana and says “It’s ok nana its not your fault that they didn’t have the heart to come and see me anyway…” she looks away and sees out the window again and her nana come near her and tries to make the sad little girl cheer up “Hey don’t be sad Holica everything is going to be alright you’ll see.”  Holica looks at her and smiles also. The next day she went to class and everything seems to be fine until the principle called her up, she walks to the principles office and he says the her with a sad looking face  and tells her “Holica your parents…-sighs- your parents were in a car accident and they didn’t make it I’m sorry…” Holica looks at the principle and she didn’t even shed a tear instead she tells him “Oh I see…” turns around and walks away. Ten years later…Holica is now 14 and she starts running down stares and starts yelling “I’M LATE I’M LATE WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME UP NANA??? AUGH FORGET IT GET MY LIMO READY!!!” Nana takes down the suite case and meets her with the limo driver and Holica and says “Oh do be careful dear I want you back home alive and unharmed ok…” and Holica looks at her and giggles a little “Don’t worry nana its not like I’m going to another dimension hahaha!” nana looks at her with an upset face “Don’t say things like that you never know if those things even exists.” Holica just laughs and enters the limo and takes of, she arrives at the airport walks towards the plane that she needs to enter but the plane was late so she sighs in relief and sits on a chair then a mysterious man sits besides her and asks her a question “Miss how would you like to buy a mirror for $50 dollars?” Holica looks at him and says “Wow isn’t that cheap for a mirror?...agh who care I’ll buy it!” she hands him the 50 dollars and he gives her a small mirror the man stands up and thanks Holica for the money and walks away now the color of the mirror was a gold and silver color with a black rose in the back. But it had a clip on the rose to open and Holica had so much curiosity that she opened it and it sad “BLACK SNOW” then she says it, she looks up and no one was around her it was pitch black and white snow was falling from somewhere up she gets up and freaks out still holding her luggage and the mirror she faints. Five minuets later she wakes up and notices that she is under a tree and stands up looks around for she did not know where she was she look down and sees the mirror and picks it up and turns it she sees herself as a anime character and yells “ I’M A ANIME CHARACTER??? WHAT IS THE MEANNING OF THIS?” she stares straight ahead and sees a school and the only thing that comes to her mind of what nana said “ ‘Don’t say things like that you never know if those things even exists.’” Holica finnaly says in a studdering voice “I-I’m in a world of unknown…”

Chapter two
Meeting the anime characters

Chapter two will come up if peoples read and cooment of what they think of the story smile