This forum was designed specifically to deal with any fights or disagreements between members where an unbiased third party is required to achieve peace. Through holding court hearings, we can eliminate these disagreements and keep member unity strong so as to function more effectively as a Guild.

• If you feel that someone has wronged you, first go to an admin and explain your problem. If the issue cannot be resolved quickly, we will set up a court time where both members are online and available to work things out.

• Screenshots will sometimes be required for quick evidence. Links to the thread in question are also welcome if the transgression occurred within a thread.

• However, if something happened outside of the Guild walls between members of this Guild, such times are when screenshots will be required.

• The harshest punishment is to be banned from the Guild.

• If two members simply cannot settle their differences, the ruling will simply be that they avoid each other if at all possible. If they are both a part of the same RP and it is impossible for them to both enjoy the experience of said RP without interaction, we will bring in the head of that RP to brainstorm ideas for alternative IC (In Character) or OoC (Out of Character) methods of keeping them from being required to communicate.

Please feel free to PM me with any further questions.