Hey guys iv been researching some light versus dark stories. iv put them together and come up with a good plot. i need someone/people to interact within it.first come first serve! here it is!!!!! light post in ornate dark post in shout.

In the beginning there was darkness and there was light. from these holiest of bases came The Gods, The Creatrix. From the light came the Goddess Shrea. and from the dark came the God Asher ; and from the Inbetwix, The Universe. Asher saw Shrea and fell deeply in love. They had a child. This child was sent down to make life in Their images. the child did its job , but Asher was not satisfied.he was never satisfied with what the child made.So, He, began to make life of his own. Shrea heard this and to match his thirst for life. This is how it was to be. Asher took the hot blood of the sun and made The Dragon. Shrea took the silken rays of the moons light and made the Unicorn, its mortal enemy. Asher took the lion and the scorpion combining them with his newest most vile creation, man, and made the Manticore. seeing this Shrea took the mighty eagle combining it with the great lion and from this mixture she pulled Gryphon.from the flesh of the molten sun Asher created phoenix. from the blue of the sky, the peace of the clouds and the cores of the seeds born by the tree of knowledge, she created Thunderbird. Asher dipped his hand into the sea and Drew forth a mighty black steed this he combined with the dove, one stolen from Shreas own garden,and made Pegasus. Shrea was sad, but still she made, Made.She took the wolf and combined it with the cold of the graveyard to make the Church Grimm. Asher took the leftovers for Manticore combining it with the ram and the serpent he made the faceless Manticore.From the great waters she molded the form of a human, but it was no ordinary human. ti was Gwarreged Anwynn the healing sea spirit.. [ gwargeth anoon. its Celtic] Asher used the roots of the great peaks to fashion Basilisk, who's gaze turned all to stone. Shrea also took of the peaks and shaped the Gargoyle, half man half bat. Whilst searching the peaks for their roots Asher discovered Dire wolves, fierce and bloodthirsty. he combined three to make Cerberus, which still to this day guards his most prized secrets. Shrea took the rich earth at the roots of the tree of life and created the Brownie, the forest imp.{yoo need a set of opposing characters based on mythical critters too}

Asher assembled His dark materials and pitted them against all of Her legions.the battles were many long and bloody, all ending in stalemates. The Gods met and began to argue heatedly, throwing the Universe into turmoil. Seeing the creatures it had made die needlessly, The Child beseech d its parents to cease it presented them with a compromise. " take only the strongest of Each and pit them against each other, leave the innocent creatures at peace."
at this they agreed and chose their finest their Elite. these to this day, are here on earth, fighting The Endless War, the war between Light and Dark.

a woman stood on a jutting cliff, the sea spray beading on her cloak, making it translucent. her hood was pulled up the rippling motion caused by the wind revealing agent blue lips drawn into a slim smile. the sound of scraping could be heard behind her and she turned. six,great, black,dragons, as big as horses, sizzled before her. she extended a hand, a sword forming from a light in her palm, which she pointed at the foremost one.
"shzelfa" her voice was light pure, the sound of moonlight striking silver. in an instant the dragon was a silver mist, flowing away quickly in the sea breeze.a laugh behind her, the hiss of magma striking water. she turns to find a black cloaked figure. the figure steps past the now five guards
" Why, Maderia,you have harmed an Innocent. that is a sin, is it not?" the voice was smooth seductive. it held a note of longing.
" these are no innocents, Esmere,," the name was said with a gentle fondness "these are your Golems."
her voice seened to catch his breath, still his heart.
" die evil witch" he, Esmere, hissed. he threw back the hood of his cloak to reveal his face. he had two burning red dragons eyes, covered slightly on one side by hair.his mouth and nose were covered by a mask with a grate sewn in. it was blackened with soot. his hair stuck out in chunks and a collar clutched his neck. upon his head like a bird of paradise sat a crown, made of metals known only to Asher.
"as petty as always, Esmere." she said softly. at this he growled and flicked out his hand, splaying his fingers. her hood flew back, revealing a silver masked upper face. her skin was flawless ivory and smooth.from the masks center jutted a crystalline horn.
" you know its against The Laws to tread upon Her Sacred Earth." she spoke gently, as if admonishing a child
" i don't care." he snapped.
"you will." she said raising her sword hand." h'vnshlysva." she said softly, and a great wave of energy pulsed from her palm, wearing away the golems like piles of sugar before a gale.
" you, you...." he began to seethe to shake.
"what? tell me Esmere." she prompted gently, smiling.
"RRRRRRAAAAAAAGGHH!!!!!" He lept at her, teeth bared, but when hie forehead met her tilted horn, he dissolved into a fine powder that floated past Maderia and into the ocean at her back. the touched the tip of her foot long horn and it dissolved into a large diamond.
" see you soon, Esmere...."

the mansion was quiet as he stalked through the halls. his pants rubbed lightly against the silk inside of his leather jacket.his weapons clinked gently as they brushed each other in their order. his long dark shaggy hair coated one eye, leaving a yellow crucifix pupiled eye bare. a dog tag clinked around his neck.

Esmere seethed.
" She did it again Vetter, Again!!! where did she get that magic? where?"
he punched a table at which sat a man... maybe. his hair, sandy, was that of a lions mane, with dark mutton chops that clasped the side of his jaws in a fluffy grip. he had black lined gold eyes. he wore a brown leather vest that dipped in the front and a tucked green scarf held back by its two ivory buttons. his corsairs pants rumpled as he crossed his legs. his leather leather boots had golden scorpions embroidered into them, with rubies for eyes. a gold hilted scimitar hung at his waist. its pommel was a lion roaring... with rubies for eyes.

ok its done. post away!!!!

[i hope i posted this in the right place twas awfully empty and i think i read the rules right......]