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DO you know Hunter x Hunter
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Crystal Hope

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2010 7:57 pm
[[This is my story, I have an account in FanFiction.net. It's PikachuHoshi but didn't get a lot of reviews or comments. I hope you can give me some advice]]

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunter x Hunter series both anime or manga


Guardian Angels

The room was cold and dark. I can hear the rats crawling around and squeaking. I smelled blood and rotting flesh in the air. I was strapped down to a wooden chair that was connected to a machine. I felt terrified and confused. I looked up to see my mother dressed in an old fashion yellow upper class dress with her big yellow hat.

“My darling son, it’s finally time for your training,” my mother said with a slight smile.

“Mother,” I muttered with a puzzled voice. I didn’t know what she meant. I know some of my family members were professional assassins such as my mother but my father and my older brother started my training a few years ago.

“Start off on a small amount,” my mother said to one of the servant, which was at the machine.

What’s going on?

Then I felt a surge of electricity going through my body but it only felt funny.

“Hm… put it on level 2,” I heard my mother say. Then I felt the sensation growing closer to pain but it was bearable.

“Hm… put it on level 3 this time,” my mother said. Then the pain grew more and it became less bearable. I shut my eyes and started to groan.

“Now on level 4,” I heard my mother say over the crackling of the electricity. The pain grew more. I started to clench my jaw and grip the arm of the chair tightly.

“Okay now level 5.”

What is she doing to me!?

The pain grew more unbearable. Within the pain I tried to open one of my eyes and looked at my mother. She had a pleasant smile on her face.

“Kill, you are going to be one of the strongest assassins in this family,” my mother said to me. Then finally I started to scream bloody murder.


I woke up and found myself staring at the ceiling of the hotel that my friend and I were staying. I felt my heart racing and drops of sweat rolling down my face. It wasn’t really a bad dream but one of my bad memories when I was training replaying in my sleep. I looked around and saw my friend, Gon, sleeping soundly. I started to wonder what he was dreaming about then I shook the thought out of my head. I got out of bed slowly not wanting to wake up Gon. I walked out to the balcony and looked at the moon. The cold night wind brush against my face. It was silent except for the occasional car driving by. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Gon’s sleepy face.

“Killua, are you okay,” Gon asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“Yeah, did I wake you up,” I asked.

“Not really.”


“Don’t be but, why are you awake?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” I said. Gon looked at me in the eyes which were making me feel nervous.

“You are lying,” Gon finally said. I just laughed nervously.

“Come on we should go to bed,” I said as I walked back inside with Gon behind me. I crawled in bed and started to sleep.

“Ne, Killua,” Gon said. I opened my eyes and looked at Gon sitting on his bed.

“Yeah,” I said.

“If you need to talk about anything just ask me okay?”

“Okay, good-night Gon,” I said as I closed my eyes. I heard Gon move around on his bed and his steady breaths. Then eventually I fell asleep.


Few Nights Later…


I was in the same cold room. This time I was in a normal chair. My mother stood in front of me with something in her hand. It looked like a syringe that was filled with a small amount of liquid. She walked closer to me.

“Kill, you might feel a pitch,” my mother said. She took my arm and injected the liquid in my arm. I felt nothing but the pain from the injected area. But it only took seconds till I felt nausea and pain in my stomach. I grabbed my abdomen and fell out of the chair. I started to roll around on the ground and moaned. Eventually I started to throw up on the floor.

“It was just you a small amount. You won’t get killed but you will feel the side affects. Soon your body will grow immune to it,” my mother said. I was curled up in a ball on the ground near my mother’s foot. Tears started to form in my eyes. Then I started to cry.

“My dear son, this isn’t that bad is it,” my mother said. I started to scream.


I woke up again. Warm tears were in my eyes. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs as I tried to calm myself down. The memories when I was still training were getting more painful and realistic. The pain I felt long ago was lingering in my abdomen. I got up and walked to the balcony again.

Why am I having these memories? Ever since that night I can’t seem to have a normal night of sleep. Maybe I should try to go easy on the chocolates.

“Killua,” a voice said behind me. I turned to see Gon looking at me with a concerned face.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I said casually. Gon just stared at me.

“Sorry, I’ll go to bed now,” I said as I started to head back but Gon grabbed my arm.


“Killua I know something is bothering you. Please tell me what’s wrong,” Gon interrupted. Gon sounded very concern.

“It’s nothing Gon, I’m tired… I’m going to bed,” I said. Gon let me go and I started to walk back inside.

“Killua I don’t want you to leave like last time, so please come talk to me if you need to. It will help you feel better.” I turned to look at Gon. I have been considering that option but it’s nothing for him to worry about. Then we both went to bed.


Next Day...


“Gon I’m going out,” I said. Gon ran toward me.

“I’m coming,” Gon said.

“No, you stay I need to be alone for a bit. I’ll come back soon.”

“Okay, see you later,” Gon said with a concerned face. He was looking concern a lot lately. I waved good-bye and walked out of the door. I went to a café nearby the hotel. Once I got a seat, I ordered tea. It felt weird being in a café without Gon.

“Hiya kid, hear is your tea,” a waitress said.

“Thanks,” I said without looking at the girl.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I said as I took a sip of the tea. It was silent; I thought the girl was gone.

“You know if you talk to a friend you will feel better,” the girl said.

“I don’t have friends,” I lied. I just wanted to be alone.

“You’re lying,” the girl said. I clenched my jaw.

The girl is pissing me off.

I heard a small quite giggle. I looked up at the girl. She had brown hair in a pony tail, brown eyes behind thin framed glasses and she wore the café uniform, which looked like a maid outfit.

“I know I’m getting in your business but if you have a problem talk to your friends,” the girl said.

“Easier said than done,” I muttered looking at the tea cup in front of me.

“Why is that?”

“My friend worries too much about me.” I said as I took another sip of my tea.

“Does your friend know something is bothering you?”

“Kind of.”

“Well not telling him is making him more worry so, what’s the point in not telling him,” the girl said. I thought about what she said. Maybe that is why Gon looks so concern lately.

“You see your friend is already worried about you now. Not knowing what the thing is bothering you might be worse than knowing what is bothering you, does that make sense?”

“Kind of, but…”

“No buts. I’m very positive that telling your friend will make you two feel much better.” I looked at the tea cup.

“Thank you but… I’m not sure,” I said quietly. I heard the girl sigh.

“Oh well I tried,” the girl said as she started to walk away.

“Um… hold on,” I said. She stopped and turned to look at me.

“What’s your name,” I asked nervously.

“My name? I doubt you’ll see me again,” the girl said.

“I still like to know.”

“It’s… Melody.”

“Thank you Melody.”

“No problem and remember Killua, Gon will like to know what’s bothering you,” she said, “Bye bye.” I smiled and drank the rest of the tea. I left the money and a tip for Melody on the table before heading out of the café. Then I realized that I never told that girl my name and Gon’s name. I wanted to go back but the café was starting to flood up with people.

I’ll ask her tomorrow.


Later that night…


I was in the cold, blood scented room again. I was in that same electric chair again. I was breathing heavily. My demon of a mother was in front of me.

“My darling Kill you will be the family’s successor,” my mother said. All I wanted was to die.

“Turn the machine on to level 8,” I heard my mother say. I felt the electricity flow through my body painfully. I tried not to scream but it was unbearable. Then it finally turned off.

“Don’t worry dear you will soon be able to bear my son,” my mother said as she looked straight in my face. My right arm was able to break free from the steel straps and I cut my mother’s face with my mutated hand. I felt her warm crimson blood on my right hand. My mother was on the ground bleeding. I didn’t care if she was going to bleed to death or if she was going to kill me, I just couldn’t stand her. The room started to echo her quite laughter.

“My dear Killua, you are going to be the best assassin just like your grandfather and father. Maybe better,” my mother said as she stood up. I saw a small smile on her deformed face. Everything went black; I started to hear Illumi’s voice.

‘Killers don’t need friends because they’re always in the way…’

“I’m not a killer anymore!”

‘If you stay close to him one day, you’ll want to kill him...’

“No… no that’s not true!”

‘Killers don’t need friends…’

“Stop it.”

‘One day, you’ll want to kill him...’

“Stop it now!”


“Leave me alone.”


“Leave me alone dammit.”



I woke up seeing Gon holding me in his hands and as he shook me violently. He looked really worried.

“Gon,” I managed to say.

“Thank goodness,” Gon said as he stopped shaking me.

“Gon… that was a horrible dream,” I said as I rubbed my head.

“Killua, please tell me what’s wrong,” Gon pleaded.

“It’s nothing, it just a bad dream,” I said calmly.

“DON’T GIVE ME THAT CRAP,” Gon yelled. I was surprised that Gon yelled at me like that.

“Killua, I’ve been so worried about you ever since that night when you started to get those bad dreams. Ever since you had those dreams you have been acting weird. It made me think that you were about to leave me and go back to that family without saying goodbye… like last time.”

Melody was right…


“OKAY, okay just calm down. I have been having these dreams about my past when I was still training. Few nights ago were the worst dreams I had. Then the one I just had was well, horrible… Gon, why are you still my friend?”

“Huh? Why are you asking that?”

“One day I will go back to the old ways. I will start killing people again and one day you might be one of those people I killed. Nothing in this world will change that, I was born to kill. Illumi was right I don…”

Before I could finish Gon punched me in the face. I fell off the bed. Gon jumped off the bed and grabbed my shirt to put my face close up to his.

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence and never talk about Illumi. ILLUMI DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU. Killua, I know you won’t revert back. If you do, I promise I will return you back to the real Killua, no matter what it takes,” Gon said with a sad face.

“Gon…” Gon’s expression changed into a puzzled look.

“Killua, are you crying,” Gon asked. I realized that I have been crying the whole time. I quickly wipe the tears away. Gon smiled. I felt like wiping the smile off of his face.

“Why are you smiling,” I asked sternly.

“This is the first time I have seen you crying,” Gon said happily which made me more annoyed.

“Now I’m even happier,” Gon said.

“WHY,” I yelled.

“Because you are acting like yourself again,” Gon said with a big grin. I was surprised and smiling. I grabbed Gon’s cheeks and stretched his face.

“Yeah I guess I am back to normal,” I said as I let go of his face.

“Killua, that hurt,” Gon said as he rubbed his cheeks. I grinned then felt a soft object hit my head. I looked at Gon and saw him holding a pillow with a satisfied expression. I grabbed a pillow and hit him back. Before we knew it, we were having a short pillow fight.


Next few days…


I stopped having those dreams thanks to Gon and Melody. Gon and I walked out of the hotel and stretched our arms.

“It feels nice today,” Gon said.

“Yeah… Oh, before we leave I want to go see Melody,” I said.

“Oh, that girl you told me about.”

“Yeah, she works at that café,” I said as I pointed at the café near the hotel. We walked toward the building and walked through the door. I spotted a waiter walking toward our direction.

“Excuse me do you know where Melody is,” I asked.

“Melody? Don’t know her. I go get the manager for you. She might work at a different time or I might not have met her yet,” the waiter said as he walked away to find the manager. Gon and I looked at each other and shrugged.

“Hello, I’m the manager” a man said as he walked toward us, “are you two boys looking for a girl named Melody?”

“Yes sir,” Gon said.

“Sorry, I never hired a girl by that name,” the manager said.

“Maybe Melody is a nickname. She had brown hair and thin framed glasses,” I said.

“Sorry, there is no girl that fits that description that works here,” the manager said. I was confused. I just turned around and walked out of the café. Gon said his goodbye and started to follow me.

“That was weird she doesn’t even work there,” Gon said. I nodded. I was deep in thought. I looked forward and noticed a girl looking at me in the crowd in front of me. She looked like Melody. She had her hair out, she had a black cap that says “good girl” in cursive and she wasn’t wearing her glasses.

“Melody,” I yelled. She looked shocked when I called her name. She started to run away. I started to run after her.

“Killua,” I heard Gon yell but I didn’t stop. Melody ran into an alley. I started to run faster and got there within seconds. I saw her standing with her back at me. She had a black hoodie jacket with no sleeve and a design of white wings on the back.


“I’m not sure if that is my name,” I heard Melody say. She turned around to face me. She had a white tank top and white shorts. She wore black and white converse shoes.

“What do you mean you don’t know,” I asked as I walked closer to her. She backed up.

Is she afraid?

“I don’t know my name anymore,” Melody answered as she looked at the dirty alley walls.

“Do you work in that café?”

“No, but you already know that.”

“How did you know my name and my friend’s name?”

“Darn it, I guess you didn’t tell me your name and your friend’s name before,” Melody said with a weak smile.

“Who are you? Are you a stalker hired by my mother? Are you someone with a grudge? Who are you,” I asked. I started to feel nervous and frustrated.

“I’m someone that has been watching you ever since you were born.”

“What are you…?”

“Killua I don’t have much time,” Melody interrupted, “I just want to say one more thing before I go.” I nodded.

“Killua, I’m so proud of you. You were able to free yourself from your parents and assassin family but, you still have a lot to go. You are not totally free yet, as you can tell from those sleepless nights. There are still many paths left for you to choose. To sum it up, it will get harder and harder. But you were able to choose the right path that led you to your friends. I know you will be alright. But if you feel that you are about to revert back to the old ways go talk to Gon like you did last night. Gon is a good boy and he seems to care a lot about you. Never betray him or your other friends. Like Gon, they all care about you more than you think.”

“Who are you,” I asked.

“Opps, I have to go now. I will always be there when you are in trouble or when you feel lonely,” Melody said as she walked toward me and kiss my cheek. She ran out of the alley and turned right. I ran after her but when I got out of the alley she was no where to be found. I looked around and found a white glowing feather on the side walk.

“Melody,” I said with a smile.

“Killua, where did you run off to,” Gon said as he walked up to me.

“Sorry I thought I saw Melody but it wasn’t her,” I said as I stuffed the feather in my pocket.

“Oh… well I guess she is just a crazy person,” Gon said.

“Nah I think she is a… angel,” I said. Gon had a puzzled look.

“Come on, we will be late. We don’t want to miss the plane again,” I said as I started to run towards the direction where the airport was.

“Eh, Killua wait up,” I heard Gon whine.

“No you catch up,” I said back with a grin.

Melody… if you can here me I just wanted to say… THANK YOU!


“Thank me? You should thank your friends. I was there just there to give you a little push. Your friends are your true guardian angels,” Melody said on a roof of a building nearby. She had a small smile on her face and then she disappeared in a flash of light.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AN: Yeah the Angel thing might be a tad random [if you know this anime/manga] but I got the idea of the angel from reading Kiss by an Angel which I believe is a bad book (if you are a fan of that book but I thought is was kind of bad.) Also I got that idea from a fanfiction for Hunter x Hunter I don’t remember the title or the author but I promise you it is different.  
PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:57 am
*Sigh* I love HunterXHunter but its gone down the drains now... the chimera ant thing sucks "No one can beat him" and "Only gon can"...
But that is beside the point; its good could be better.  


Crystal Hope

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:39 pm
*Sigh* I love HunterXHunter but its gone down the drains now... the chimera ant thing sucks "No one can beat him" and "Only gon can"...
But that is beside the point; its good could be better.

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