Warning: Femmeslash. Critiques = heart heart heart heart


"Why?" Rachel's voice was low; her lilting sound seemed heavy and sad. She wasn't flustered or overwhelmed, like when she and Finn had broken up. She spoke with slow purpose, her eyes closed as she willed the tears in her eyes not to fall.

Quinn was openly crying, but not sobbing. Just letting the tears come down her face and ruin her perfect makeup. She had one hand on her belly and the other to her mouth. She was shaking her head, wanting Rachel to be silent for once in her life.

"I'm sorry Rachel. I am, I am. I'm so sorry." She wanted forgiveness. She wanted redemption. Rachel shook her head slowly. She moved passed Quinn, trying to get to the door, but a strong hand clasped her forearm.

"Rachel, please." Quinn's watery words jerked Rachel's heart, but…no. She simply couldn't forgive this. This treachery, this betrayal. Quinn had lied to her, even though she'd sworn o always be honest and open.

"I really did love you. I did." Rachel said softly. She wrenched her arm from Quinn's desperate grasp, moving from the empty Glee room into the hall. Quinn staggered back, the words were worse than if Rachel had hit her. Far worse.
"You didn't even say my name." She whispered.