((This is just for my RP))

The Academy Ball!
Status: The Masquerade Welcome Back Ball!

Yep, the Academy has a Ball. Actually, there are a few of them.
The Ballroom is very large, and is where most Balls or Dances are held. Student held parties usually will not take place in the Ballroom.

Anyway, during a Ball, Students and Staff of the Academy are required to dress formally if attending. You may have dates to a Ball, but you don't have to.
Going Solo is fine, but you bet your buns, having a date must be more fun.

The Ballroom was discovered abandoned in the middle of the Northern Forest during construction of the Academy.
That is why it seems so elegant and old-fashioned.
It was full of old furniture, and was probably someone's mansion at one point.
So when the Academy was being built, they also worked on turning the place into a fit ballroom.
There is a basement, but its only entrance is on one of the long sides outside of the building, however it has been locked shut ever since it was discovered.

Come on in!
This part shows you the inside of the Ballroom Area

When you walk through the Northern Woods by taking the main trail, you'll finally come across the gates to the Ballroom Area.
The entire area perimeter adds up to 8 miles. These 8 miles are fenced in, because they really don't want anything other than birds and squirrels and other small animals like those being able to get into the area. The fence is in a square shape, so that means each side is about 2 miles long. That leaves plenty of extra "foresty" area inside the perimeter of the Ballroom Area.

So... You take the main trail through the Northern Woods and come across the gate to the Ballroom Area...
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The fencing is very pretty...
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Once inside the fence of the area, you may see about a mile's worth of the same things you saw outside of the fence.
This means trees, bushes, trees, more bushes.. Then you'll come to the great big building, and take a good look at the entrance; but, of course, the entrance will be open when you find it during a Ball...
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Up the steps, and through the great big entrance, you are right in the Dining Room. It is complete with many tables and chairs. If you walked straight ahead, though, you would find the door to the Kitchen. The kitchen workers will be carrying food in and out, for it is always busy in there during a Ball. There's a good hour and a half before a Ball actually starts. That hour and a half is just to eat Dinner first. You are treated with the best of the Academy's food before you get to dancing. A waitor or waitress will come take your order and serve you.
The Academy doesn't want to stuff you, but just give you some dinner. You can pig out on the dinner if you want to, but keep in mind there is a refreshments table upstairs in the Great Ballroom that has many different sweets on it, also other things.
This is a view of the Dining room at an angle where you can see the small stage.
Basically, this is how the Dining Room would look like if you turned right, when you walked into the building.
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When you are finished eating dinner, which is usually before the hour and a half is over, you wait until the Headmaster makes a little speech. After he is finished with his speech, he allows students to go upstairs or around the area provided for the ball. That includes inside and outside.
If you took a left when you entered the building, you'd see the wide opening that leads into a sort of stairwell. There are actually two of these "stairwells", for there will be many, many, students flooding up the stairs. These stairs lead up into the Great Ballroom...
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When you reach the second floor, there it is before you.
The Great Ballroom.
It is very elegant, and it is indeed huge. Well what would you expect? It needs to be huge considering how many people it needs to fit into it.
In the Ballroom, they will play all sorts of music.
Not just old fashioned music. But of course, new music as well.
All in all, The Great Ballroom is very nice...
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The wall where the two stair entrances meet is also the wall the refreshments table is pushed against. It has a classic punch bowl... cupcakes... bread... veggies... pastries... sweets... soda... and all sorts of other snacks. The refreshments table is usually decorated for the occasion. This is what the refreshments table looks like when it's not decorated to it's usual fullest...
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Off to the left of the Ballroom is a great big balcony... It has a beautiful view of the Northern Forest.
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Now if you kept going up the stairs, there would be a lounge you'd come across. The lounge is for those people who need a little escape from all the music and dancing.
It has some pretty nice, cozy furniture in there...
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There is a hallway off to the right of the third floor, which leads to the bathrooms. On the left side of the hallway is the boy's bathroom and on the right side of the hallway is the girl's bathroom. The hallway continues further than that, but all of the other rooms have been locked, because they are storage for some unused furniture that was left in the building. However some are just bedrooms that have been locked up for a reason.
Anyway, the bathrooms pretty much look like this...
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When you go back downstairs, there's a french door that leads out to the patio in back of the building. The patio is very nice and outdoorsy...
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This pretty much concludes the main spots inside of the ballroom area.
Anything else inside the fence of the ballroom area is just forest.
Hope you think this Ball Area is great!

Upcoming Uses of the Ballroom
Status: The Masquerade Welcome Back Ball!

The welcome back ball is a ball that is held every beginning of the year. It is also to welcome newcomers.
This traditional Welcome Back Ball has become a sort of "holiday" to nekos. Nekos wish to be at ease with humans and hope that they don't have to face the fears of getting captured or sold.

The theme this year is a masquerade.
Students and staff are required to dress formally for this, and you should definitely wear a great mask considering the theme is "Masquerade". Of course, you can bring a date!
Or you can just go all solo.

The Masquerade themed Welcome Back Ball will be coming up, and is soon to be announced on the Bulletin for the Academy!

It would be great if you could fill out this, but you don't have to. I would LOVE you to though. This just makes it easier for people to get a visual and scoop on what you are wearing for the Ball, going with, etc. Keep in mind, this is just for the RPers to know so things don't get too confusing...


Hey, it's: (name of character)
I'll be wearing this: (picture or discription of outfit)
My mask: (a picture or discription of your mask for the masquerade.)
My Date Status?!: (here you can just list who you are going with, or just your status, like "no one has asked me yet" or "I may ask someone". Something like that.)
What do I think of the Ball?: (what your character thinks of the ball.)

[color=(PICK A COLOR)]
[size=10] Hey, it's: [/size][size=15](name of character)[/size]
[size=10] I'll be wearing this: [/size][size=15](picture or discription of outfit)[/size]
[size=10] My mask: [/size][size=15](a picture or discription of your mask for the masquerade.)[/size]
[size=10] My Date Status?!: [/size][size=15](here you can just list who you are going with, or just your status, like "no one has asked me yet" or "I may ask someone". Something like that.)[/size]
[size=10] What do I think of the Ball?: [/size][size=15](what your character thinks of the ball.)[/size]

Much, much, much thanks to peaches_and_cream_cutie for this Ball Idea!

The f.y.i. on who's Attending

Hey, it's: Emily Fujii
I'll be wearing this: Purple Ball Gown Dress, And a ponytail, no tiara
My mask: Purple Mask
My Date Status?!: If someone asks me, I might go..Maybe. Still without a date, I'll still go.
What do I think of the Ball?: The ball will be successful. Wonders what her parents would do seeing her dressed up in a dress.

Hey, it's: Ichigo & Natsumi
I'll be wearing this: Black and White Feminine Suits.
My mask: White Masks
My Date Status?!: If someone asks we will go. If no one ask, We'll go together!~
What do I think of the Ball?: Excited can't wait!~ Already saw the food, and really wants to pig out!

Hey, it's: Len Kagamine
I'll be wearing this: A black suit, white rose, and white shirt.
My mask: A black mask.
My Date Status?!: I might come to the ball alone, but if someone need one at the last minute I might...ask. Or if someone asks me.
What do I think of the Ball?: Len...never went to the ball with her sister. So if he did maybe Rin is watching.

Hey, it's: Odette
I'll be wearing this: User Image
My mask: User Image
My Date Status?!: I may ask....Nick...Im not sure though; B-but just as friends!!!! .
What do I think of the Ball?: I think its romantic, charming and very sweet...But I dont think its something I belong to..

Hey, it's: Zero Lucien Cross
I'll be wearing this: http://cdn.buzznet.com/media/jj1/2008/09/barnes-dorian/ben-barnes-dorian-gray-02.jpg
My mask: http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/17171.jpg
My Date Status?!: Zero has not been asked by anyone just yet, that’s if someone will ask him surprised
What do I think of the Ball?: Zero has never been to anything like this, and is just curious. He might even have fun…though that is a long shot X3

Hey, it's: Eiri.
I'll be wearing this: a simple black tux with a red tie and black button-up shirt.
My mask: is blue. It's just a plain old little frilly thing. I don't like to wear it but it gives me the feeling I'm mysterious.
My Date Status?!: I plan on asking Lucian, but I'm not sure he'll say yes.
What do I think of the Ball?: I think It'll be fun. I bet it will be intriguing to see all the cute little boys and girls partying away their stress.

Hey, it's: Okami
I'll be wearing this: A frilly black and white gown without that hat. She likes the way black and white contrasts with her red colored hair. She’ll have a frilly mini hat on too.
My mask: This frilly mask.
My Date Status?!: I haven’t been asked yet, but that’s not going to stop me from going and having some fun!
What do I think of the Ball?: I never expected the Academy to have a Ball! How fun! I’ve been to many Balls before in my old little Town. I love them.

Hey, it's: Nikolaus Guerin
I'll be wearing this: Phantom
My mask: white mask with black feathers
My Date Status?!: No one has asked me yet. Not sure if I even want to ask anyone really.
What do I think of the Ball?: I'm only going because I am required to go as a faculty member right now. But it should be fun, right?

Hey, it's: Lucian
I'll be wearing this: This with the first top hat.
My mask: black lace mask
My Date Status?!: I have a sneaking suspicion on who may ask me...if he does I will most certainly say yes.
What do I think of the Ball?: Should be an interesting night. Seeing all the cute little boys and girls in their attire. It'll certainly be a sight to behold.