Name of weapon: Hebihada (Snake Skin)
Who owns the weapon: No one
Where it was found/Who made it: Created in sunagakure as a counter to the Seven Swords of the Mist.
Users Class: Ninjutsu
The Range of the weapon: 1.5m length
Weakness: This sword draws chakra from the user at 1 genin rank per section.
Description: Hebihada is a very strange sword. It was originaly based on Samehada but since no craftsmen could mimic the techniques used to form that blade, developed it's own style. The blade is made up a large barbs making it effective at tearing rather than cutting. The true secret lies in stabbing. When the blade is stabbed into some and pulled back, it leaves behind the barbs that went into the body. These are then immediatly regenerated by drawing from the users chakra. The problem with this is that it will draw from the user no matter what situation they are in and once it begins to draw there is no way to stop it until the barbs regrow. The barbs themselves take one post to grow one barb, making for a slow regeneration. The main effect of the weapon is to cause serious damage to the opponent by leaving the barbs inside them.
Rp Sample: Will do if asked.

Name of weapon: Griffe
Who owns the weapon: Kyoto Naofumi
Where it was found/Who made it: Designed himself.
Users Class: Weapon Class
The Range of the weapon: 20m
Weakness: There is nothing special about it.
Description: A simple tanto as far as the eye can see but the sheath has a hidden wire spool at the end which can connect to a hook on the hilt of the tanto. The maximum extention of the wire is 20m and further than that and the wire will become tight and snap.
Rp Sample: Kyoto parried the first slash and the second. The third strike forcing him back. He panted heavily in his helmet and raised his tanto. His other arm hung limply at his side, the last blow he had taken clearly dislocated his shoulder. It was begining to look bad, not only was he one arm down but he was exhausted and most of his armor had been smashed up. Glancing behind him Kyoto found himself at the edge of the ravine and swore beneath his breath. Their seemed to be only one chance, twisting on the spot Kyoto threw his tanto at the bandits leader. The man easily deflected the clumsy throw and kicked Kyoto off the edge of the ravine. Happy with how things went he and his men left. However attached to the tanto, which had stuck into the ground was a thin strand of wire which trailed down and into the ravine. Kyoto hung from the end, the wire wrapped around his limp arm. It dug into the bare pacthes of skin and hurt like hell but at least he was alive. removing his helmet with his free hand Kyoto took in a deep breath. Things couldn't get any worse.

Name of weapon: Mercy
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Kyoto Naofumi
Where it was found/Who made it: Created by Kyoto
Users Class: Weapon Class
The Range of the weapon: 65cm blade
Weakness: The blade is hollow and can be broken with a heavy impact. Can cut the rokubi.
Description: Mercy is a special katana designed by Kyoto to be resistant to the Rokubi's acid and harness it. The handle has several small vents that allow the acidic slime to flow into the blade and out through slits across it. The main propose is to severly injure anyone who is cut by it by putting acid into the wound. However due to it being resistant to the rokubi's acid it is also an effective weapon against him, so Kyoto will always try to keep it out of enemy hands.
Rp Sample: