Kaiyo was very exhausted, for she had been training all night. She had a very bad feeling something was going to happen or was happening now. As Kaiyo sliced through the snow hollow she created, she finally collapsed to the ground. "How can I expect to protect anyone if I can't make it through a night fighting!?" she cried out while looking at her worn hands, covered in dirt and sweat. Kaiyo knew that having the title Captain still doesn't mean she was the strongest. "There are things out their stronger than what I am" she sighed while grasping her Zanpakuto to help her stand. Kaiyo stood for a few minutes until deciding she couldn't give up. She used very little of her Spiritual energy, just enough to make snow fall. She planned to increase her stamina and agility. "Let the snow fall, but shall not touch the ground unless meeting my blade!" she shouted, then furiously started flash stepping and slashing her Zanpakuto. Every snowflake that fell was to be slashed by Kaiyo's blade. She lasted about an hour before finally collapsing, drained of every bit of energy she had...