Name of weapon: Glove of Melodies
Your Rank: Anbu
Who owns the weapon: Aki Nara
Where it was found/Who made it: A cave in the bottom of Otokagure / A Sound Sannin that died centuries Ago
Users Class: Ninjutsu
The Range of the weapon: User's Fist
The glove's properties can only be used 2 times without causing damage to the user.

On the third use the users hand breaks and requires one week RL to heal. No medical ninja can speed the process either. Meaning no jutsu and no using that hand to fight.

If the user dare's use the gloves properties four times in one battle their hand is irreparably damaged making the hand useless for all purposes forever.

The gloves require one post to be charged in which the user must clearly state that they are charging the gloves. They also cannot use any jutsu or the hand on which the glove is for any purpose or they must restart the charge. Also the glove CANNOT begin to be charged in the same post it is used.

Every useage drains 3 Jounin Jutsu.

A Metal glove that is placed on the user hand and then painfully attached by plunging metal anchors into the users forearm. The glove is made of three layers two metal layers and a pocket of neon gas inside. By using chakra the user can cause the pocket of air to vibrate emitting a eerie Melodie. By doing this the glove begins to vibrate, causing the wielders whole arm to vibrate. Once it comes into contact with a semi-hard to hard object it releases all of the vibrations inside of the object. These vibrations can damage soft tissue of internal organs but the primary function of this style is to damage bones and create numbness in nerves. Essentially this can turn even the most modest of punches into a crippling blow. Though only direct hits work as glancing blows would just cause the area hit to be slightly irritated.

Rp Sample:

Kenshin stood tall the Glove of Melodies gleaming in the sunlight on his right hand. Only one opponent stood in his path all others had been brought to their knee's with artistic blows to pressure points, vital organs, and joints. His opponents was a behemoth inside of a gleaming set of blood red plate armor. Kenshin began to slowly push chakra into the glove causing a light tune to emit from his right hand. As the tune grew louder the man standing before him laughed egotistically and in a deep, gravely voice "Am I to be afraid of a little tune? I who have killed a thousand men with my bare hands? I am the Lion of Renezault!" and with that he drew back his fist an threw a tremendous punch meaning to crush Kenshin in a single blow and increase his body count. But Kenshin deftly sidestepped the crushing blow and brought his right hand to play swinging it at the mans bulbous knee. And it connected cleanly with a sickening crunch. Thanks to the loss of his knee, the heavy armor and the forward momentum of his blow the man toppled to the ground spinning one full rotation before clanging to the ground. He tried to stand but was unable and howled in pain as Kenshin ruefully rubbed his right arm. After a few minutes of the man's yells the melodies once again started slowly building to a crescendo and then at the apex of the song Kenshin's fist crashed into the large mans visor ending his cries of pain in a deft blow to the skull.