Chapter Two: A New Shade Of Feelings
A Royai Story.

Roy lazily pulled himself out of bed, and surprisingly, he was earlier as promised. He ate his toast, brushed his teeth, but didn't comb his dark hair because he didn't need to tend to that. He peferred it a little messy. The ladies liked it that way. Only did he brush it back when it was a formal occasion. Like a wedding... Or a funeral. Mustang pulled on his periwinkle, button-up shirt, his military coat, pants, and finally the coal, black boots. Almost ready. Just to get out of the house and into the car. Roy wasn't going to go against his promise. It was more of a challenge to him since he was usually five minutes late or so everyday. It was a cool morning, so Roy grabbed his dark gray coat and shrugged into it, holding onto his sleeves so they didn't get stuck along the way. Now, he was ready to go. Trudging out of the slightly messy house, he drove down to Central Headquarters.


Riza was just beginning to hop in her car, starting the engine, and driving off. Last night, she was not able to give Hayate his usual evening walk because of last night's unexpected visitor, so Riza had promised Hayate he'd get a walk today and tomorrow instead to make up for it. Like normal days of work, she had her hair up in a clip, her full uniform, and her sniper rifle, two guns, and the sash that held her bulllets in the backseat. Now, she just wanted to make the best of her last few days since she'd be leaving on Friday. Today was a Tuesday. Three more precious days with him until... That. At last, she reached the Headquarters and she slid out of the car, carrying only her own dead weight. Riza entered the building, saluted the higher-ups that passed by, and was saluted by lower ranked military personel. Finally, she was able to make it into Roy's office where her team worked everyday unless they were sent on insane missions that involved serial killers, murderers, and other cases.

The door opened, and waiting, amazingly, was the Colonel, staring out the window, waiting for his subordinate. Riza's heart leaped. It had been a while since they were alone. Last night was an exception since it was only short talk and he was there for a just few minutes, but now they had a full half an hour, or a little less probably, before anyone would come. Roy turned and smiled as Riza continued in. "Sir, was there something you wanted to talk about?" she asked. She was almost completely sure it was about the letter and being transferred, but still wasn't ablsolutely confident. It might be like 'I need to find a new personal assitant, do you know where I can find another?' Because to him, she might as well be one with all the backing up and getting him out of trouble she did. Paperwork to saving his a**, she had it covered. Now who was going to replace such a person? Then again, Roy wouldn't be like that. This was a serious matter.

Roy walked to Riza so that they were almost eye-to-eye, putting a hand on her cheek. "I'm going to miss such a person in my life. I will find a way to get you back no matter what..." Riza blushed as his hand touched gently against her face, breathing in his scent. Roy tilted up her chin and leaned in and let their lips touch mildly at first, but in time it was a full-fledged kiss. His tongue entered her mouth and explored it, creating a new shade of feelings between them. Both of them knew that they loved each other more than the other could imagine, but never before did either of them think that they would ever get this far. Riza's hands were at her side first, but they slowly moved up so that they locked around his neck. His body was pressed against her's, meshed perfectly together like the teeth of gears. There was something warm between them that he and her could feel even if they were apart. And as they were further away, the bond was stronger.

Before, she was in such shock to feel him that close to her, her eyes had widdened, but they slowly closed. It was such a feeling that left her almost gasping for air. Riza let her hand run through his dark hair, while his carressed her back. Were they meant to even be this close? Wasn't it forbidden for relationships to intertwine within the military? This, this here, would get them both discharged... And Roy's dream would be ruined. Riza would be no use to him in his future unless they were married and they planned to have children, but she didn't want to think that far, even if she did truely love him more than life itself... Riza pulled back unexpectedly and turned, blushing. "Sir, I'm sorry.. Our affair c-could interfear with your future as Futher." she managed to gulp that down atleast.

This was almost expectant of her -- to pull away and mention his future or dreams. He came first in the relationship as always, according to Riza. Why couldn't she be first for once? Though Roy knew it wasn't just for him, it was for both of them and the sake of not losing their jobs. It paid pretty well for single people like themselves, but as you reached higher up were would be able to provide for more. For family. For each other. Roy turned her head and made her look back at himself. "Promise me. That you will be back. Here at Central," Her amber eyes avioded his dark ones as she looked down, leaving just a tinge of blush left from before. Roy continued on before she answered herself, "You once said 'Don't go where I can't follow', do the same for me."

Riza's eyes darted back his, she was quite shocked to see that he remembered such a thing... Though she never did forget. She vowed to follow him long ago as well. 'Will you follow me?..' he had asked. The Lieutenant replied very seriously, as always, 'If that's your wish, then even into hell.' Quotes. Quotes from their past. Life. A thing full of vows never meant to be broken, but would be in the future. "Roy Mustang, I love you. I would take a hundred thousand bullets for you and somehow manage to be by your side. Lover or not." At this, Roy smiled softly and kissed the top of her head pulling her into a hug. "I would do the same, Riza Hawkeye. I love you from the very bottom up my heart."

That was the day the two of them made their vows. Their vow of not only love and friendship when they were together, but when they were parted, that they would stay trustful and loyal as well. Though they hadn't admitted this love until now, Riza and Roy had always been. A relationship that did not rely on words, but on actions from the heart. Comforting one another when disaster struck, pulling through to keep up, and never leaving the other behind. This was true love. This was the love of the ledgendary Flame Alchemist and The Hawk's Eye.