Or at least the ones of the RPG variety

Seriously, why do all mmorpgs suck?
It's the repetitive nature of every one of them that leads to their downfall. That, and so many are so alike.
And it doesn't even matter if you play an mmo that requires money, because it'll still suck and become massively repetitive. You're just paying for a way to level up more, amirite?

The only MMO I've ever liked was Imagine Online, but only for these reasons:
A) It actually follows a plot. (although I wouldn't say it's mind blowing. Still, far better than other s**t I have to meddle through with other MMO's)
b) part of an actual game series. (the ORIGINAL Shin Megami Tensei. Not this shitty Persona 3, 4, 11000 ******** thousand series)
c) That being said, I like seeing that game series in 3D. (the SMT games were on the SNES)
d) I can have demonic DOGS as a partner in battle, without having to pay s**t to keep it with me. And I don't have to feed it either, as if it's some virtual pet. If you've known me long enough, you would already know that having dogs as a companion is an immediate +1000000000...etc. points

But even then I don't play it. In fact, I haven't it touched it in months.
At times it does get repetitive, but I like the fact that I could just walk around the world as I please.