Well, Jasae hired me to revamp this old forum and i regretfully have to announce that I won't have time to moderate this change for the immediate future.

This was really too much of a pressure on top of my A-level exams, and I can't really keep up with starting a monthly newspaper at the moment considering all the other art-related stuff Jasae's already got me doing on deviantart, and the Byako Round Robin exhibition comic tournement. (woo!)

So the grand and almighty return of the Byako Inquirer is delayed until September 16th
By then I'll have more time to focus my full attntion on this project, and hopefully have more of a plan of what I want to do with this subforum.

Until then, please post any newsworthy events, rumours or ideas about thing you'd like to see in the newspaper either in this thread or the Rumor Mill. I'll see you all in a little while, keep the faith!