Hello, I'm new to the guild but I've been roleplaying for what is approaching six years now. I'm experienced, literate (and awesome) but I'm not terribly picky and will play in most levels (except those that require five paragraphs because, hello, have other things to do). Experience is not a big deal for me because some of the best people I've played with have been new and I believe in fair chances.

I'm not looking for a 1x1 RP. Simply not.
I'm more interested in an original character, original setting roleplay. Though I can play in a fandom if the plot is interesting enough. List of fandoms I don't play below.
If there's more than eight pages of replies, I'm not interested anymore unless nothing's really been going on.
I don't mind pre-mades, but I'm picky.

WILL NOT TOUCH: Twilight, Slave/Master, Deathnote, Pokemon/Digimon/Similar ideas, All-girls-all-boys academy drama

Essentially, what I'm looking for a fun, light-hearted roleplay. I'm involved in two intense off-Gaia roleplays that take a lot of character development and relationships. I'm looking for a not-as-intense game here to just practice writing. Perhaps something like a band, or hanging out...less interested in hardcore sci-fi & fantasy.