z!AHQ has a few basic rules that we ask all members to follow:

- You do not have to agree with other peoples' opinions, but please respect them and don't take disagreement personally. Disagreement is fine, flaming is not.
- Take up any issues with your fellow guild members via PM, rather than creating tension in public. If you have an issue that you don't feel comfortable discussing with the other person, please feel free to PM any crew member and we'll do our best to help you resolve it.
- Likewise, if anyone does or says anything that you find offensive or upsetting, please don't hesitate to let a crew member know so that we many deal with the issue.
- Double-posting is allowed so long as it's not spam.
- If a thread already exists for a certain topic then please try to use it. Otherwise, make new threads to your heart's content!
- Do try to stay on topic in threads. A little chatter is fine of course, but if it devolves too much then move to the chat thread.
- There is no such thing as tl;dr - long posts are always welcome! Similarly, there is no such thing as a necro. If a topic is in the main forum, it's good for posting in, regardless of when the last post was.
- No advertising non-zOMG related events in the guild.

The breaking of these other rules will result in a reminder from a mod, and/or a PM. Further measures may be taken based upon individual circumstances. Thank you for working with us to keep the guild running smoothly!

- Your friendly z!AHQ crew