Seventh Division Dojo

This is the Divisions Dojo where basic training is done. You use wooden swords to train in our basic or advance swordsmanship. The captain will most-likely make you train here before letting you use the main training ground to make sure you have more confident in you own skills rather than relying on your blade too much. That this area is for, to insure you have to proper skills to fight on your own. The dojo it's self is a very large building that requires regular cleaning to insure it is in the best shape to spar in. You are able to have up to 40 people in the Dojo training at one time, at times the Captain is seen spar against 5 people at a time with great ease.

Please remember to treat your opponent, equipment, and teach with up most respect and to always thank them for everything even in you hatred the training you had to do.

Sparring Rules:
No Killing
No God Modding
No Auto-Hitting
No Super Dodge
Be Literate Plz
Do Not OCC Fight
Obey Gaia ToS