Name of weapon: Katana of Sorrow
Your Rank: Academy Student(Will work way up in rank)
Who owns the weapon: Kenric reigan
Where it was found/Who made it:The Sword was founded in a small Ruins in the Land of Fire Forest about 20 miles from the Leaf Village.
Users Class: Ninjutsu Specialist
The Range of the weapon: Close to Mid-range
Weakness: When the user uses this sword, the owner feels the person hit with this swords pain and also be reminded of a horrible memory in their past for about 2-3 minutes.
User Image
This sword was said to have been owned by The Sage of the Six Paths, but anyone could use it since it was a minor sword. What this sword does is that when it hit's someone, that person feels the pain of the people that were hit by this sword also and reminded of an horrible memory to terrorize them. Both of these things will last about 2-3 minutes and then end, but the person will be terrorized a bit after that. The sword, when Kenric walked near it, jumped into his hands and was amazed by the craftwork of this amazing sword because he felt the chakra of everyone else who used it. This sword had carvings on it that seems to have read, 'The Sorrow is just the bgeinning and will also be your End." Whoever was picked by this sword, it would turn the color of the chakra, in which case as Kenric picked it up, it turned into a greyish blue and the person who uses this sword could feel their chakra course through this sword and the chakra of the past people who used it.
Rp Sample: Kenric rushed Towards the ninja and laughed, "Try and dodge this!" The ninja jumped in the air and grimaced at a tiny cut on his foot, then all of a sudden the Ninja screamed and grabbed his head, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, what trickery is this, it can't be tsukiyomi." Kenric then knelt also and grabbed his head while screaming but controlling his voice, "Nope, the power of the Katana of Sorrows is that it brings back the pain of people hit by this sword and also a horrifying memory of that persons past for about 2-3 minutes. The user also feels the pain and reminded of a horrifying event in their past to." Kenric and the Ninja both snapped out of it and the ninja swipped at Kenric and the ninja hit Kenrics armor quite well, Kenric then pulled out a regular Katana and quickly aimed for the jugular vein of the ninja. When Kenric turned around, the ninja layed on the group with blood coming out of his neck, "Damn rogue ninja's, I don't know why they bother me." He said while sheathing his katana and walking towards the Leaf Village.

((Rule number 9 will always be a mystery, SWIPER NO SWIPING))

Note: the horrifying memory isnt like a genjutsu, the person still see's in front of him but the person hit by the dword and the user can't resist but remember that horrible memory.