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OOC: Sinners, Followers, Lovers, and Bastards

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:47 pm
Sinners, Followers, Lovers, and Bastards

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Hi all.

I welcome you one and all to the official OOC of our epic RP apply titled Sinners, Followers, Lovers, and Bastards, or SFLB for you short hand types. In this post, I am going to give you all a brief history of a land that your characters will be existing in.

Before we begin you're probably asking yourself what that funky image is at the top of the topic. I'm glad you asked, and if you didn't than you should probably be asking yourself that right now. The above image will pretty much be the cause of the trouble, but I'll let the time line below explain all that for you. Let's begin, shall we?

The Making of a Problem

Meet Oog. Oog is a cave bear. Oog is not popular among his cave peers. Oog wants to make friends with his peers and maybe even find a mate, but nothing he does is special. Oog is bad at hunting and is not as strong as the others. Oog is sad.

Oog decides to make something pretty for the cave peers to show his worth. Oog finds many colored stones and begins arranging them on the cave wall by hammering out spots for them. Oog does this at the most dangerous part of the cave, near the big deep hole where nothing comes out, to show his peers that he is brave. Oog takes a year to finish his work at the back of the cave, often annoying his peers.

Oog finishes his work and is proud. Oog calls his peers to see what he has done, much to their annoyance. Oog's peers see his work, and it frightens them. Oog's peers think the stones in the wall are moving! Oog's peers do not realize that Oog has invented the first optical illusion.

Oog's peers cover his masterpiece over with mud, lots of mud. Oog is then thrown into the big pit where nothing ever comes out, never to be heard of again. Poor Oog.

Discovery of a Tourist Trap

Several thousand years later, war had broken out between the lands of Tarlin and Coroba. The lands had been battling over the use of mineral mines. Both were poor countries riddled with debt, and the distribution of minerals would be able to help alleviate these countries debts. The only problem was that the mines fell close to both countries boarders, and neither country was willing to share. This war was to be known by the natives and soldiers as the Mineral War.

As the war waged on, a band of spies from Coroba were sent to infiltrate the Tarlinian camp for information. What they came to find was that the Tarlinian soldiers were prepared for their arrival, leaving the Corobian soldiers exposed. The Corobian soldiers fled from the Tarlinian camp, trying hard to find any kind of shelter. Several of them climbed into trees, only to be caught by the enemy. Only a handful of soldiers had survived the night, and completely by accident.

One of the soldiers, a young mole man named Watney, had used his instincts of digging to escape being killed. He was surprised to tumble into a sinkhole that lead to an abandoned cave as he dug into years of vegetation. When he was feeling safer, he grabbed a few of his fleeing comrades as they passed by the sinkhole entrance and pulled them to safety. He was only able to save three soldiers that night, and they spent the night listening to the screams of their fallen comrades echo off the walls of the cave as the Tarlinian soldiers tortured them to death.

As the sun rose the next day, Watney sent out Bram, a wolf soldier he had saved, to see if it was safe. Bram was blessed with good hearing and a good sense of smell, making him an ideal tracker. In spite of Bram's advantages, he was spotted by an enemy scout who blew his bugle to attract the enemy soldiers.

Running for his life, Bram bolted into the cave with the enemy hot on his heels. Having not explored the cave during the previous night, the soldiers turned to Dirk, a sure footed ferret soldier. He lead the way for the soldiers over thin ravines and tight holes, hoping that the enemy would have trouble catching up. Knowing that the Tarlinian soldiers tend to wear bulky armor, Dirk's quick thinking was able to buy his allies some time. He was able to lead them to a deep part of the cave, using only a torch as his guide.

As soon as the soldiers were safe, they built up a small fire and tossed what little weapons and equipment they had left up against the wall. Little did they know that by tossing their equipment against the wall, they had accidentally started knocking ancient mud off of an old artwork.

Kedric, a hawk man and the fourth survivor of the group, was the first to notice what looked like a glistening stone near where his comrades spears had been tossed. As he went to look at the shiny stones with his keen eyesight, his comrades inquired as to what he was looking at. When they saw the faint glistening of the stones in the wall, they together sank their claws into the old mud to reveal the illusion in the wall. The soldiers were speechless as they watched what looked like the stones moving around slightly in the wall. Wanting to further investigate their discovery, they built the fire up to give themselves more light.

Little did they know, building up the light caused the enemy soldiers to find where their catch was hiding. Bram could hear the soldiers advancing, and warned the others. Dirk found a small ditch for them to hide in, and Watney dug it out to make it bigger. Kedric grabbed their weapons and gear as the group prepared to hide.

As the Tarlinian soldiers made their way toward the fire, they were shocked to see what appeared to be stones moving around in the wall. As the enemy soldiers stared at the wall, they were completely distracted from finding their enemy. As the soldiers approached the wall to investigate their find, Kedric swooped out at them, scaring them and causing them to accidentally fall into the large hole. The hole was so deep that they could barely hear the enemy soldiers hit the bottom.

After a few days in the cave, the four soldiers made their escape, covered by the darkness of night. Upon returning to Coroba, the soldiers made conference with the king. The king was intrigued by what his spies had told him. Seeing as how these four had discovered a safe hold, he promoted them and allowed them to lead a few bands of soldiers into battle.

The Mineral War waged on for seven years after that point, but the four soldiers never forgot what they saw in the cave. Several nights the four soldiers would slip off to the cave together to be in the presence of the illusion that had captured their imagination. They could each feel a strong presence in that work on the wall, feeling as though some unpresent entity was watching over them always. With this feeling weighing heavy upon their minds, they each began to have what they described as prophetic dreams. During their time together, they vowed that this piece of important history would get the recognition it deserved, naming the piece the Eye of the Unblinking Surveyor. They also came up with the commandments that those who followed the good notes of the Unblinking Surveyor could follow:

1. Focus your life on what is important, or your life will spiral out of control.

2. Always put your faith and focus up on the Unblinking Surveyor. Do not entertain thoughts of blasphemy.

3. Treat each moment of each day as though it is a gift and use it in praise of the Unblinking Surveyor.

4. Treat others with the respect you wish to feel. We are all brothers and sisters.

5. Know how to forgive one another as you wish to be forgiven.

6. Carry each others troubles with happiness and good will.

7. Every home should be a place of peace and serenity for worship.

8. Peace is born in the hearts of all, and should be nurtured to grow throughout our lives.

9. Practice your patriotism in peaceful ways, and show loyalty to those who practice peace.

10. React to suffering and injustice. Do not stand by idly when a life is in danger.

11. Sanctify family life as though you were sanctifying the Unblinking Surveyor.

12. We must also love our enemies as though they were our brothers and sisters.

13. Do not lie or betray our fellow man or woman.

14. Honor those who have gone before you and gain wisdom from their knowledge.

15. Do not take another's spouse as your own.

16. Do not kill unless your life is threatened.

17. Do not take what is not yours.

18. Take all your meals as a blessing from the Unblinking Surveyor.

19. Give charity according to one's means.

20. One should fulfill whatever they have promised.

Only Watney survived to see Coroba's victory at the end of the Mineral War. Having found followers among the soldiers, Watney was able to live out the rest of his days in quiet worship. As he and his followers practiced their religion, they invited many others to their sanctuary to observe, charging them a small fee that they used for survival. Much to Watney's dismay, the cave had become more of a tourist destination than a place of worship and reflection, and he died feeling he had let down his old comrades.

The Monk's Manipulation

Several generations after the death of Brother Watney, the Order of the Unblinking Surveyor grew slowly. The Order was kept alive due to the growing fee that the monks charged visitors.

One such patron to the cave was the current king of Coroba, a lively young lion named Mar. King Mar had a love for mysterious and beautiful things, and the Eye of the Unblinking Surveyor was able to consistently fill his desire for things of beauty and mystery. Lately his wife, a Tarlinian lamb princess named Shebaa, was not living up to her wifely duties. He had married this plain wife as a sign of peace for the nation of Tarlin, but she had failed to produce a suitable male heir. Most of her pregnancies had either been still births or miscarriages. Only one of her pregnancies was a success, but the result was a curly haired lioness that he named Anniya. The king craved a prince, but more importantly he craved a queen that would satisfy his lion's lust.

Being a regular patron to the cave of the Unblinking Surveyor, King Mar had gotten to know the monks that kept watch over the holy place. One such monk he had become good friends with was Brother Tiemann, a wise puma with a good ear for listening. King Mar had spent many hours with Brother Tiemann, talking to him about his problems with his court and how unfulfilled he was with his fat little lamb wife.

As Brother Tiemann listened to the king's meager problems night after night, he saw an opportunity for himself and his church. As he remembered the commandments that were written so long ago, he began to find loopholes in which the king could get what he wanted in exchange for several generous donations to the church.

With Tiemann's help, the king began to spread the word of the Order of the Unblinking Surveyor, incorporating traditional celebrations into holy holidays. As the court and the kingdom slowly began to accept this new way of living, the king was able to create laws revolving around the manipulated teachings of the church. A new castle was built as a place of worship, and the Eye of the Unblinking Surveyor was gently removed from its home in the cave to be placed within the new castle for all to see. During that time the king took notice of a ravishingly mysterious leopard lady named Nayoka. His lust for her grew as Shebaa had a few more failure pregnancies.

When the new castle had finished being built, King Mar was so infatuated with Nayoka that he sought out Brother Tiemann for advice. Not wanting to displease the king, Brother Tiemann suggested bringing the queen to the old cave for questioning. She and the other monks ventured into the cave, but the queen never returned. The monks claimed that the queen's poor health was her undoing that that she was laid to rest in the cave, though in truth the queen was murdered for not allowing her husband to remarry.

As word of the church continued to grow in lands far beyond the boarders of Coroba, the King's interest in his new wife began to wain. She had produced him two princesses, but no prince. In that time, her alluring figure had begun to spread, making her look heavy and less desirable. His daughter from his first marriage, Anniya, was angered by the change she was noticing in her father. Anniya and Nayoka often butted heads over the church's commandments, which often unsettled the king's subjects. Despite all these setbacks, Anniya could not find in her heart to blame her young half sisters.

Once again ready for a new wife, King Mar called upon Brother Tiemann to see that the queen be taken care of. Nayoka was more agreeable with letting her husband remarry than Shebaa had been, and became the first nun for the Order.

The renewal of wives became the norm for several years as the king continued to remarry before his twelfth wife poisoned him. Upon the king's death, Anniya battled her latest step mother for the throne. Wise old Tiemann knew that Anniya was a strong woman, and he knew she could cause an uprising in the kingdom if she was not stopped. Together with the help of other monks, Anniya was taken to the cave. Knowing what a benefit it would be to keep Anniya alive to use for trading off in marriage, Tiemann chose to torture the young princess into submission. Though Anniya was a strong woman, she succumbed to the monk's torture. She backed down from the fight for the throne, allowing her stepmother to take it. Soon after Anniya's defeat, her stepmother was found dead in her room. The throne was awarded to Graham, a bull and the king's only male heir.

Where We're At Now

Centuries had passed since the rule of King Mar, and his descendants raveled in the power that the church allowed them. Now on the throne is King Joel, a long eared white rabbit with a thirst for power. He is a widower and without a wife as of now, but is undisturbed by that. He has little time for the bantering of a bickering woman now that he has a holy war to wage. His late wife, a black cat Wippshirian princess named Pollia, gave him a young gray cat daughter named Leona.

Coroba is now at war with Wippshire, a country to the north. Wippshire feels that the church has lost its way and is abusing its power. King Joel, along with the monks and nuns of the Corobian Order, feel that the nation of Wippshire is becoming blasphemous and must be shown the light of the Unblinking Surveyor, by any means necessary.

To aid him in combat is Mother Cooblie, an old yet stern hen who keeps the monks and sisters in check. Her rising through the ranks has earned her the nickname of "The Mother of Coroba" and she lives up to that name. She is fiercely loyal to King Joel, and does not think twice to serve him as though she were serving the Unblinking Surveyor himself. She has often been known to supply him with innocent young nuns to ease his lust in order to calm him during temperamental times.

As King Joel rages his holy Crusade, he has locals that are being troublesome. Public enemy number one is a spry young dog named Bevo, a former monk who went rouge on the church. Bevo has been gathering people together who the church finds to be deviant and has been giving them shelter, good food, wine and spirits, a place to stay, and other such comforts. Bevo is also known for defending unsavory behaviors, often turning his safe holds into ail houses and bordellos. Bevo himself has spawned children illegitimately, and the poor frightened mothers often find themselves coming to the Order in exchange for their safety and the safety of their unexpected children.

King Joel and the Order of the Unblinking Surveyor are determined to disperse any and all organizations that seeks to contradict the church. Spies are everywhere, and have no problem of reporting any siting of an apposing behavior that might be considered threatening to the order's way of life.

So now that you know what's going on, the fun can really begin!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:48 pm
So you're still around? You poor b*****d... I mean good for you!!! lol This'll be fun!!! (...stop staring at me like that...)

Now for the creative part, character profiles! I will need everyone to PM me their character profiles, because I'd like to approve them before we get started. You are each allowed up to three characters to play. If you want more, PM me and we can discuss that. I want the following titles for the following types of characters to be the title of the message you PM me:

Can Has Magic?

So you like magic, do you? Into prestidigitation? Slight of the hand? Making things look like they disappear? Perform the occasional spell or two? Tell me how! I want links!

This type of character will be more scrutinized than others, mostly because I want your characters to still be believable. This type of character should be something that you'd expect to see in real life. This IS NOT a "I can do magic, so it works" kind of character. I don't want our magicians to pull a Mary Sue out of their asses and call it a rabbit out of a hat trick.

Tree Hugger

Are you in tune with mother nature? Do you feel at home in the woods? Do you feel as though there is life all around you? Are you channeling your own ye old Aqua Man senses? Can the stars tell you stories? Than this is the type of character for you!

Again, I want links and sources. I don't want a parade of furry Lord of the Rings fanboys/fangirls. I want your characters to have depth and personality that is both believable and graspable.

It's Art, Not Crap

Do you like to create things with your own two paws? Do you like to turn your dreams into something tangible for people to see? Do you find a tune in just about anything? Do you feel comfortable performing in front of a crowd? Do you feel the need to make everything around you uniquely yours? Than an artist you must be! The church really hates you my friend.

Artists can range from any kind of art. They can be sculpting, painting, music, performing, or any kind of art out there in the world. Show me your character's talents by showing me links!

Insert Tab A Into Slot B

Do you feel that people are toiling away with outdated machinery? Can you think of things that you could build that would improve the quality of people's lives? Looking for a way to shoot fire or electricity out of your hands? Have you ever thought of wiping your butt with something softer than leaves? Than you my friend are an inventor, and your ways of thinking are blasphemy!!!

I would love to see what your character is interested in creating, which means, you guessed it, I want to see links.

I'm With The Church

So, you like what you see in the Order of the Unblinking Surveyor. Feeling holier than thou? Well, join the club, and this time you don't have to worry about links!

I Know Something You Don't Know

Is that so? Well good for you. Explain it in detail, and with LOTS AND LOTS OF LINKS!!!! If you can prove to me that it'll work, I'll allow it.

For those of you looking for a character skeleton, here it is:

My name is (nickname too if applicable):
How old I am:
My gender is:
My species is:
What I look like:
What I like to wear:
Where I am now:
My skills include:
What is in my past:
What makes me who I am:
Some of my flaws:
Who controls this character:

Let's see what you've got, and DON'T FORGET LINKS!!!!!! I'm going to be really adamant about that. If you have any questions what so ever, please feel free to PM me and I'd be glad to help you out in any way that I possibly can.

Also, if anyone knows of any good artists who are looking for a little extra gold, I am willing to part with my gold in exchange for some art. I am currently sitting on top of 2.7mil in gold that I'm happy to spend in exchange for some good artwork, so I'm willing to spare the expense for something pretty to look at.

Cheers and happy profiling.



PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:52 pm
Profiles by IEditYourWorld

-My name is: Freda Brown, but friends call her Freddie
-How old I am: 10
-My gender is: Female
-My species is: Dog, breed is half Boarder Terrier and half Airedale Terrier
-What I look like: Her fur is brown with a black patch on her back and mixed within her muzzle. Her fur is wiry and somewhat curly. The hair on her head is short and messy, and difficult to control.
-What I like to wear: She would prefer to wear something comfortable, but the nuns make her wear the crimson robes of the Order, with it's green embellishments. The robe is too big on her, but it is hemmed up to help fit better. Under the robes she wears a pair of leather pants, a blue short sleeve shirt, and a cotton long sleeve shirt that's a little big on her. She likes to wrap her hair up in a striped cloth from time to time.
-Where I am now: Living in the kings castle, in the dormitories of the cloister of the Unblinking Surveyor.
-My skills include: Being helpful to others, being optimistic, keeping the castle neat and clean, and snooping around. She's great at finding out what's going on, mostly because people overlook her.
-What is in my past: She never met either of her parents. Mother Cooblie reminds her constantly that her mother was a sinner who made her a b*****d. She was left with the cloister to be raised properly according to the commandments of the Unblinking Surveyor. Brother Jondor has helped to take care of her from day one of her arrival.
Freddie is a few years younger than Princess Leona, so they have grown up side by side. Since there are very few children to play with, Freddie has spent much time with the princess. She does not always get along with Leona, and is often on the receiving end of blame when things go wrong. Leona doesn't treat Freddie well, but the young dog is commanded to spend time with the princess anyway.
-What makes me who I am: She is told constantly by Mother Cooblie and several other Sisters that she was born from sin, which takes its tole. These harsh words have made her kind of rebellious. She is known for sneaking out at night to have time to herself. She knows her sneaking is a sin, but it's one of the few comforts she gets outside of her time with Brother Jondor. Time away is time she can have to enjoy what the Unblinking Surveyor has watched over. It is time away from lessons concerning sin, condescending church comments, taking the blame for Princess Leona's various ideas, and anything else that people put upon her.
-Some of my flaws: Her undying curiosity gets her in trouble a lot, and she and the king do not always get along well. He does not like her questioning nature or her joy of sneaking about. She is also can not seem to stand up to Princess Leona, who often blames her for when things go wrong.

-My name is: Brother Jondor Reed
-How old I am: 61
-My gender is: Male
-My species is: Barn Owl
-What I look like: He is an old brown owl with an innocent face in spite of his old age and experience.
-What I like to wear: He wears the crimson robes of the Order, with it's green embellishments.
-Where I am now: Living in the kings castle, in the dormitories of the cloister of the Unblinking Surveyor.
-My skills include: He is an excellent listener, and his voice carries well for delivering sermons. It seems that he has skills with children as well, especially since he has done everything that he can to raise young Freddie from her infancy.
-What is in my past: Out of all his siblings he never took a mate, though not without trying. In spite of years of trying to impress his picky family, he continued to fail to meet their high expectations. He felt like a burden to his parents as he continued to age. Looking for a comfortable solution, he found his place in the church. Always devoted to the church as a child, he found becoming a monk a good choice. He has lived a fulfilling life since, but he admits that Mother Cooblie does stress him out.
-What makes me who I am: A bit oblivious to the suffering of others, Brother Jondor is very naive. He feels that there is good in everyone, and strives to show the Unblinking Surveyor the good in others. This desire for good in everyone is something he always tries to teach Freddie. He feels personally responsible for the young pup's soul since she was left in the care of himself and the cloister.
-Some of my flaws: Nativity, slow due to age, overly forgiving, easy to walk all over.

-My name is: Mother Nola Cooblie
-How old I am: 68
-My gender is: Female
-My species is: Chicken
-What I look like: She is a white chicken, rather heavy set due to old age.
-What I like to wear: She wears the crimson robes of the Order, with it's green embellishments.
-Where I am now: Living in the kings castle, in the dormitories of the cloister of the Unblinking Surveyor.
-My skills include: Keeping order within the church, more importantly within the cloister. She also acts as the right hand hen to the king, giving him guidance and keeping his temper cooled. She is very organized, and will not accept anything but the best. She lives her life in total service, taking pride in her dedication.
-What is in my past: Hatched from a prostitute, Mother Cooblie knows what it's like to be the byproduct of sin. She strives to keep sin from the world so that no one has to suffer again, but her methods are rather harsh. She would rather see people uncomfortable but free from sin knowing that it's for the greater good. The Unblinking Surveyor will surely see them through.
During her time of service, she has helped to raise King Joel after his mother died in childbirth. Were King Joel her own hatchling she would have raised him to be more devote, but the former king threatened to cut his funding to the church as well as excommunicate Mother Cooblie if she did not see to his royal demands. She has sworn on the king's father's deathbed to show him loyalty and service in the sake of her country, which puts her in a moral bind from time to time.
-What makes me who I am: She feels that she is surrounded in sin and feels limited by her age. The sins of the king bother her the most, but lately she has had to put them on the back burner in order to better serve her country in times of war. She has advised him of his sins, and only hopes he will heed her advice for the sake of his soul. Often she sends the young pup, Freda, to do some spying on the king to help her better advise him. Though Freda is useful for finding information for her, she notices that the youngster is easily corrupted by sin.
-Some of my flaws: She has been called overbearing by others, but she craves results. She is old, fat, and not very fast. She also worries constantly, which is not good for her health.

-My name is: King Joel Woeblin IV
-How old I am: 34
-My gender is: Male
-My species is: White Rabbit
-What I look like: Tall, muscular white rabbit with floppy ears hung behind him.
-What I like to wear: He dresses in royal reds, greens, and purples with a grand crown.
-Where I am now: He lives in the castle that was built by his ancestors.
-My skills include: He is charismatic and proud of his country and heritage, and he does what he can to pass that pride on to his subjects. He is fond of holding court with attractive people surrounding him, and has an eye for beautiful things. He is an excellent decorator and has an eye for covering up unattractive things.
-What is in my past: He grew up in court and has been surrounded by the church and by people of privilege all his life. His mother died in childbirth with his younger sibling, who also passed away at the time his mother died. This left him as an only child to his father, who was having difficulty raising a willful 15 year old son. Seeing the king's dilemma, Mother Cooblie helped raise Joel from that point on in order to help his father. Joel and Mother Cooblie butted heads for a while, but the king ended that by threatening to take the church's funding away and to excommunicate the old hen if she did not comply to royal demands. Mother Cooblie has stood by as an assistant ever since.
The king was once married to a Wippshirian princess named Pollia, who he married to help create a peaceful alliance between the two nations. Both nations had been uneasy with Tarlin, and an alliance would help both nations in case of an attack. King Joel was pleased to know that Princess Pollia was a beautiful black cat and not just a bland bartering tool.
The two royals enjoyed two years together before Pollia died of disease. She was able to give him a daughter, a gray cat princess named Leona, before dying from disease. During his time with his beautiful Wippshirian wife, Joel grew fond of making love to a beautiful woman. Since her death he feels lonely and sexually starved, often depending on locally promiscuous girls or naive nuns in order to satisfy his desires for physical intimacy.
Pollia's death also prompted King Joel to look to Wippshire for another concubine. Their refusal caused King Joel to argue with the King Diblie, the duck king of Wippshire, who began to feel that King Joel was abusing his church privileges. This argument lead to the current holy war.
-What makes me who I am: It is stressful being the king, especially since Coroba is at war. King Joel wants his country to stand behind him and the church that has served him so well. He is frustrated by the defiance he has been facing with rebels in his nation. Everyday is stressful, and the lack of discipline in Coroba has not helped the king's stress levels. His biggest rival is Bevo, a defiant dog who is usually one step ahead of him.
-Some of my flaws: Temperamental, sexually starved, easily stressed.

-My name is: Bevo Brown
-How old I am: 32
-My gender is: Male
-My species is: Dog, breed Airedale terrier
-What I look like: He is a brown dog with wiry fur.
-What I like to wear: He wears dark leather pants, a red cotton long sleeve shirt, a grand looking black leather vest, and a light brown belt full of handy things.
-Where I am now: He never stays in one place too long. He has several spots that he loves to hide out with anyone willing to get away from the damned church. He likes hiding in the woods, in back rooms in restaurants, cellars, and anywhere else secluded enough to hide from the king's insufferable spies.
-My skills include: Sneaking, hiding, holding a great party with meager accommodations, keeping church fugitives hidden and safe, and keeping a positive attitude in spite of it all to help with moral.
-What is in my past: Once a church monk, he realized that there was something wrong with how the church was being run when he was forced to start torturing captive sinners. From his studies, he felt that torture was not what Brother Watney had originally envisioned for the church. The 10th commandment (10. React to suffering and injustice. Do not stand by idly when a life is in danger.) was being swept under the rug in exchange for power. Disgusted by the manipulation and abuse of power, he ran away from the church at the age of 20 and never looked back. Before leaving, he rescued a captive goat man named Lars who he felt guilty for torturing. The two had talked quite a bit before the escape about religion and ethics, and became close friends once they were free.
Bevo spent much happier years out of the church, traveling around the countryside and enjoying the beauty that the Unblinking Surveyor had watched over. In his time of roaming, he met a wide variety of people who have helped him keep up his lifestyle. In exchange for his friend's hospitality, he does everything he can to make his stay pleasant for them and boost their spirits.
-What makes me who I am: During the earlier part of his travels he met a very lovely girl, a mute boarder terrier named Tess. In spite of Tess's inability to talk, he fell in love with how she was able to use music as a way to express herself. Her musical ability to play the flute was to him more expressive than many people's spoken language.
They spent a summer in love, causing Tess to become pregnant. Their love was cut short when a spy tipped the raiders off on where Bevo was hiding with his friends. When the raiders invaded the forest tree house that Bevo was using that night, Tess was captured. He worked for three years to find information from his connections, but he never heard about her again. Thinking she was dead, he tried to move on with other women. None could seem to compare to Tess.
In spite of his heartbreak, Bevo continues to be the roguish scamp that everyone has known for him to be. His reputation is his salvation, and he needs that in order to help others find a meaning in the Unblinking Surveyor that is not harmfully political.
-Some of my flaws: He can be reckless and impulsive. Sometimes he gets too comfortable in a place and stays too long which is dangerous to his friends who follow him around. He's lost some good friends and even the love of his life by staying someplace too long.

-My name is: Tess Rolton
-How old I am: 26
-My gender is: Female
-My species is: Dog, breed border terrier
-What I look like: She is a brindle dog with wiry fur. She wears her long brown hair in a braid.
-What I like to wear: She wears the heavy crimson robes of the Order, with it's green embellishments.
-Where I am now: Living in the kings castle, in the dormitories of the cloister of the Unblinking Surveyor.
-My skills include: Music, particularly playing the flute. She is also very caring and compassionate in spite of being mute.
-What is in my past: Growing up mute was never easy for Tess, especially in a devout church family. They worried that her silence was due to their sins. She grew up in silence, but she learned to break her silence when she heard a street vendor playing the flute. She followed the vendor into the woods to his hut one day, and over the next two years he taught her everything he knew about music in exchange for food. She was shocked and saddened when one day his hut was burned to the ground and he was no longer there.
She spent several years going off to the woods alone to perfect her musical talents. When she was 15 years old, she met and fell in love with Bevo who discovered her beautiful music. They fell madly in love, and before she turned 16 she became pregnant.
Running away with Bevo, they traveled the country side as they and their friends eagerly awaited the arrival of their baby. Unfortunately for them, a spy had found them in a tree house in the woods. Being heavily pregnant, Tess was unable to run away quickly enough. She was captured by the Order, who helped her deliver her baby who they named Freda. Once the pup was born, the Order took Freda away. Desperate to see her daughter, she accepted a bribe from the church to become a nun. However, Tess was not allowed to let Freda know that she is her mother, and is only able to see her child at a distance. Should Tess tell Freda the news that she was her mother, Freda will be moved to another cloister and Tess will never see her again.
-What makes me who I am: Being cloistered had made her miserable. She feels suppressed by the Order and thinks that there is nothing good to come from where she is. She blames Bevo for putting her here, and her love for him has turned bitter. She spends many nights in quiet sadness, often crying whenever she is alone.
-Some of my flaws: Sad, bitter, and lonely, especially since she hasn't the voice to say how she feels.

-My name is: Princess Leona Woeblin
-How old I am: 14
-My gender is: Female
-My species is: Gray Tabby Cat
-What I look like: She has gray fur with patches of white on her muzzle, belly, the tip of her tail, and the tips of her paws. Her hair is off white.
-What I like to wear: She likes to wear dresses made of silk or other fine materials. Her favorites are color is green and purple, and she loves gold jewelry.
-Where I am now: She lives in the castle that was built by her ancestors.
-My skills include: Leona is a budding beauty who uses her appearance and charming personality to manipulate people to her side. She is also good at pointing the blame on others, often using Freddie as her scapegoat. Leona is an avid reader and writer. She is a wonderful storyteller, which Mother Cooblie condemns for fear of its sinfulness. Leona enjoys stories about things that are deviant, and often likes making Freddie read or listen to her stories so that the pup can take the fall for her.
-What is in my past: Never knowing her mother, Leona was raised by nuns and nurses. She loves her father dearly, and is able to easily manipulate him by blinking her beautiful golden eyes. For as long as she can remember, she has grown up along side Freddie, the pup raised by the cloister. Though she is often cruel to Freddie, she finds the pup to be her closest friend. Of course she won't admit to being Freddie's friend because of how poor she is. She loves being around other children her age, though she often does not get the privilege of being around other children due to the war. The Order fears that young children could be used as spies, therefore limiting Leona's exposure to other children. Since Freddie is cloistered, they feel she is safe.
-What makes me who I am: Growing up royal and spoiled has made her manipulative. She enjoys getting her way, and is quick to make a fuss when things go against her demands.
-Some of my flaws: Her manipulative nature has allowed her to become lazy. She is often seen surrounded by large pillows or soft surfaces so that she can lounge. Her laziness has not made her physically strong, and she gets frustrated that other children can run faster and play longer than she can.

-My name is: Larsbo Bek, or Lars for short
-How old I am: 42
-My gender is: Male
-My species is: Goat
-What I look like: A short goat with brown, wiry fur with flecks of black. He has black fir and a black tail, and a black bushy beard. He has yellow eyes and white horns coming out of his head.
-What I like to wear: A white shirt with a green vest, red pants, and a green cloth belt.
-Where I am now: Following Bevo.
-My skills include: Hand to hand combat, keeping up with the latest gossip, navigation, finding good places to stay.
-What is in my past: Lars is a former pirate, whose captain had them plundering the lands and island along the Corobian Sea. His ship was one day concurred by the Corobian navy, and Lars was one of the few survivors of the ship sinking who was captured by the navy. The captives were subjected to torture by the monks, who hoped to extract information from them before either converting them or killing them.
One of the monks seemed ill suited for torturing, which surprised Lars. This monk, a young dog named Bevo, came back to him and his shipmates alone to feed them at night. As Bevo fed the prisoners, he began to form a friendship with Lars. Bevo revealed that he felt the church was wrong in its ways and hated torturing people. Lars, being somewhat of an agnostic, began to have discussions of theology and ethics with Bevo. It was this moral that kept him going while his shipmates welcomed death on the torture racks. Together, Lars and Bevo created an escape plan, which lead to their freedom.
As they traveled over the years and Bevo found love, Lars found other diversions. His drunken shenanigans caused him to blurt out information to a lovely lady who turned out to be a spy for the Order. This tip off lead to an invasion of the tree house that he and Bevo's friends were using as a safe house.
To this day Lars is still guilty over his slip up, though he has yet to tell Bevo about it. Using his connections, he has spent years trying to find Tess, though all has been in vain.
-What makes me who I am: Being a navigator by trade, Lars has helped Bevo find several places to stay. Being older and more experienced in deviant behavior, he tends to be a bad influence on Bevo. His convincing has lead Bevo into some hairy situations. Lars is a very loyal friend, forever grateful for everything Bevo has done for him.
-Some of my flaws: Lars is an alcoholic and a womanizer, getting drunk and not being able to keep his big mouth shut.  
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