Name of weapon: Tanto No Uchiha
Your Rank: Gennin
Who owns the weapon: Karuda
Where it was found/Who made it: It had been in the Danshokugakure (See my profile... and yes the Bio was accepted so long as Dansho no longer existed which it already didn't) line of Uchiha for ages, the maker is unknown...
Users Class: Genjutsu
The Range of the weapon: Arm's length + Length of the blade (About the same size of Sai's blade in the Anime)
Weakness: The blade Easily dulls, it needs to be sharpened regularly [Can dull mid fight], Cannot use jutsu when it is wet or frozen, while regular Amaterasu can melt Hyoton the redirected one cannot [amaterasu blade can].
Description: The Tanto is the largest size of Tanto available

The grip on the blade is oval shaped (Like most katana, some are like box shaped) and completely black, except for the Uchiha fans that appear on both sides. In the scabbard four Throwing needles are consealed.

The blade is shaped like this with a flame mark just like that one colored black, it is as thin but much longer and thicker (in the middle you know what I mean right?) then that image. Karuda wears in with the strap that holds it on under his shirt, a hole was cut in his jacket so it could be threaded through, it is over his left shoulder and he usually wields it in his right however he is Ambidextrous (Like everyone in Naruto lol). The grip has a small false bottom in which a piece of paper is concealed.

The blade has a sealing jutsu on it so if a non-uchiha touches the blade their hands are burnt slightly but if they hold on too long their hands will blister, A sharingan implant will NOT allow a non uchiha use it. Two jutsu can be used with this blade... They are a part of the weapon and therefore do not have a ranking.

Jutsu: (2 & 3 require Magenkyo Sharingan or Eternal Magenkyo Sharingan)

1. Amaterasu manipulation: The user can use Amaterasu through the black flame mark on the blade instead of their eye, this jutsu can only be used safely once a day.
Cost: S Rank

2. Amaterasu Blade: The user can only use this just once a day but it can only be held for five minutes, the blade can be lengthened and is completely covered in the black flames. This technique can only be held for 5 posts.
Cost: S Rank

Rp Sample: Karuda panted... The fight so far had been intense. He looked at his foe, a fellow participant in the Chuunin exams, the foe had a kunai in his hand and was grinning. He drew his Tanto and ran forward as did the other Gennin, they clashed, coming to a complete halt. "Give up and I promise not the butcher you... Too much" said the other Gennin in a rough voice, Karuda smiled "No way... thats not what a Ninja does... Thats the act of a coward..." he pushed against the blade and jumped back. He ran again, as did his foe, as they drew closer he lowered his blade to attack the foe's leg. As they reached each other he ducked to dodge the Kunai and sliced the foe's upper leg. The two them had swapped sides now, the other Gennin held his leg "It's only a flesh wound" he grunted, however Karuda could see it was a deep flesh wound. The gennin had a slight limp as he ran at Karuda, the two exchanged blows, thirteen to be precise. Karuda jumped back... He had forgotten to sharpen his blade since the last fight, it was beginning to dull. He sheathed it, quickly drawing out four throwing needles. He stood still, the two gennin were staring at each other, each waiting for the other to make a move, Karuda moved first, throwing the spikes at his foe, with his Kunai the other Gennin managed to block one of the needles, it remained embedded in the kunai. The other three hit home, one right in the joint of his left knee (his right leg was the one slashed), another hit his left shoulder and the other one pierced his throat. The proctor Call the match over and the Medical ninja rushed out to aid him as best as they could, as they scrabbled around the Gennin Karuda walked over to them slowly, by the time he got there they had him on a strencher, Karuda picked up the kunai and removed the needle, he ran to catch up with the Medical Ninja, just catching them at the door "Damage those Needles and I will kill you" he said.

Jutsu Example: He was promoted to Jounin about a month ago and had awakened his Magenkyo about two weeks ago. He was sent on a mission from the Kage, a small village had raised funds for about a week to help save their village, recently a mob of thugs inhabited the area and have been on a crime spree, the concerned citizens raised money for protection for their small village, he was to stay in the orphanage, the leader of the village put the children first and not only that it was near the center of the village so it was also funtional. When he arrived he was welcomed warmly. When he was put in the orphanage the children practically hung off of him "Cool a Ninja!" one kid said "Hey are you here to protect us? That's what the adults said!" He smiled falsely "Yes, I am here to protect you... But not just you, this whole village" A kid looked at him "But there is only one of you, there are so many thugs and alot of village to protect..." he could immediately tell this kid was the one who always questioned everything "Well, I'm one darn good ninja" he said, smiling "Okay..." he began to run his chakra through the blade, he counted the children... 17 "...Who wants to hold my Tanto? Only for a short time now" he said as it was passed around then when he got it back he went to sleep. Earily morning a call came out from the watch that was set to inform him that the thugs where spotted, he quickly headed out to the area there were three of the thugs, the got the drop and killed one immediatly with Chidori, he drew his Tanto and Black flames shot from the mark on the end and ignited another thug, the last thug barely had time to attack as black flames covered the blade as and shethed it in the man's stomach. The man burst into black flames, Karuda deactivated the jutsu and shethed his Tanto... He'd really overdone it, but he figured when the thugs saw the hole in the chest one of their men was sporting and the charred bones of the other two... Well use your imagination.

((Added the fact implanted sharingan will not allow you to use the weapon, Also added Chakra costs for the jutsu))