Vote Flaming Dragon for best Asian/Oriental, best Family and year award please,

Another in a long line of Chinese all you can eat buffets but we were quite impressed by this one.

The price is £5.20 before 5pm or £9.60 after 5pm and with soft drinks at £2.60 and a pint of Becks Vier costing £2.70.

It was fairly busy midweek when we visited so all the food was fresh and in plentiful supply. What’s different about this place, that I haven’t experienced in any other buffet, is that waiters and waitresses come round table to table with special items to try. A nice touch.

The food wasn’t greasy at all like it occasionally can be and there’s something to suit all tastes.

While we didn’t leave until nearer 6pm, the buffet price counts for when you are actually seated… meaning we got as much as we wanted for £5.20 each.


If you wish to check it out the location is...,0,13304113114756717622&ei=s8kxTJHcKai80gTT8K2aAw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQnwIwAA