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Name of weapon: Kontan Shinzui (Soul's Essence) A.K.A. "Bang"
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Mujou Ryoushi
Where it was found/Who made it: Bought it from a gypsy
Users Class: Bounty Hunter
The Range of the weapon: 3.8 feet (Blade)
Weakness: The maximum ammo the gun can hold is exactly six shots so when those six shots are fire one must make more ammo which means they need to use more chakra. Also if the part where the ammunition is stored is struck by the foe, it will become jammed for 4 post, and during that time it won't be able to fire a thing.In addition to that, while it is jammed it increases in weight, making it very difficult to use as a primary weapon. Bullets are made outside of battle and cost accordingly(can be made inside but will take double the chakra, element bullets and multi bullet only). All elemental bullets are beat out by their weaker elements only, if they are a rank above them. If at the same rank they cancel out.
Description: Mujou's main weapon of choice out of his various arsenal. To start off the blade is made of a stronger than titanium substituted, making it so magnetic jutsu do nothing against it. The bare blade is made so it can easily shine off the suns slight, for the purpose of blinding the enemy. Mujou took the time to lace the entire blade(the actual blade, not the weapon) with the venom of the Inland Taipan, making the slightest cut more harmful. The actual barrel used for firing is on the tip of the blade and trigger (located on the handle) has a trigger like a toothpick, making firing very fast. The blade is called soul's essence by some because they have special bullets that one conjures up with his mind and it it is filled up with his chakra element(s). Usually one has up to three types of bullets but, Mujou rigged the gun so that he could fuse his chakra into one bullet and make up a few of his own.

* Note*

When using the gun at anytime, the countdown begins. After 6 post from using the gun the first time, one must generate a random number from one through ten. If it is Ten, One or Five the gun jams, and the user loses a bullet. The limit increases as the user grows in rank.[Meaning the time the user has before the user has to begin generating numbers increase as he grows.] (Genin=6,Chuunin=8,Jounin=10,Sanin=14)

The first and most commonly used bullet is the blaze or flame bullet. It is equal to a B rank amount of chakra and resembles a mid sized fire ball when soaring at the foe and if it hits it's target a mild explosion triggers, the explosion only causes second degree burns where it hit but it completely incinerates clothing.

The second bullet (unlocked when element is able to be accessed) another commonly used bullet, Strike or lightning bullet. It is equal to an A or B rank amount of chakra and is known for it's tedious effects. The users has complete control on the effect of the bullet meaning that he can make it A or B rank power. The B rank aspect of the bullet is when struck it cause a feint moment of paralysis, sending the victim flying backward from the impact.It resembles a small tennis ball made of pure electricity. Once it hits the tediousness begins(lol),Every two post the victim will get this searing pain that'll make then stop in the middle of what their doing and just gyrate for about 2 seconds, leaving them open for an attack if their opponent is close and fast.This effect last for 6 post.
The A rank aspect of this jutsu is known for it's destructive power that it deals toward the foe.The bullet resembles a soaring blue basketballl coursing with electricity when fire and if it makes contact with the foe he is instantly paralyzed(1 post) along with the immense pain upon contact. When it makes contact it quickly burns through clothing and send s the enemy hurling.

The third and most known of the bullets is a fast acting poison that when it makes contact with the enemy it sends a poison that slowly shuts down the body, leaving them unconscious in a matter of 4 post. This bullet isn't known to be used by itself, it is usually combo'd in with another one of Mujou's bullets, the Ash or smoke bullet, making the poison into a smoke.*Note* The more poison bullets that hits the target, the less time it takes to become effective. (-2 post for every additional bullet)

The fourth bullet is known as Ash or the smoke bullet, it has no true purpose other than distraction. One it hits a surface, it disperses into a dark smoke that covers the radius of 35 feet. Mujou has used this so often that he has an adept sight to it, he can see through the smoke but not completely as if it weren't there.

The fifth bullet, known as the Many or Multi bullet is one of the most common used bullets for it's pure usefulness. This bullet can multiply an existing bullet (at the cost of chakra C rank for regular, B rank for two elementals and S rank for Fusion) or a regular bullet which is made of the same titanium substitute the blade is made of. What happens is a big single bullet is fired and it splits off into 6 bullets, all aimed at one foe or multiple targets, this is commonly used to save Mujou ammo.

The Sixth,Final and most powerful bullet is the Red lighting or Fire and lightning fused bullet. This bullet is unlocked when the user has the ability to call upon the aspects of both of his elements and has the ability to utilize and S rank amount of chakra. This bullet can also be used by using 5 chuunin jutsu or 3 A ranks. When fired they take the appearance of anything the user wishes and soars toward the opponent[Has to be visible..none of that GM crap!!], when they make contact a vast and beautiful explosion triggers both paralyzing(2 post) and burning the foe simultaneously. After using this bullet the user is slightly exausted, even if he conjured it up after battle, though it may not cost actual chakra in battle it take a lot of energy to in fuse the singe bullet with both of ones elements.

Rp Sample:

Mujou was in a jam, he had completed his bounty and now he had to retrieve his reward but, the village wanted to skip out on his pay, so they devised an advanced contraption specially designed to go off when all four buttons go off. It was in a room that disabled chakra, making clone creating impossible. Mujou knew that he wasn't skilled enough to throw shruiken at the targets at the same speed and hit the targets in unison. He would have to think of another way to do so. Mujou sighed, slowly bringing his let hand to his coal hair, coursing through it calmly as he turned backward to the near villages watching him in awe..most of them were laughing at him, presuming that a ninja of his skill would fail and fail until he just gave up. " You mother ******** really don't wanna pay me, eh?? He scolded, he wasn't angered as he had been in predicaments were someone wanted to skip out on pay before, he was just annoyed overall. Mujou sighed once more this time shaking his head as he did, his right hand quickly grabbing his gun blade as he pointed it at the middle target. Before he could fire a bullet out an villager yelled "You dumb a**!!! You have to hit all the targets at once, just get you loser a** out of here so we can get on with our lives!!YOU SUCK!!!!!! Mujou didn't turn to gaze at the ney-sayer, his just quickly barked back " PISS OFF, you curr" Mujou then fired a multi bullet, his arm jerked back a bit as the blast escaped from the barrel, a Mult-bullet shot out, aiming at the middle target and mid way it split up into 6 bullets 4 of which aimed at the targets, the other two aimed at the wall. The bullets hi the targets and the other two ran stray,ricocheted off the wall for a bit before hitting the man who yelled out earlier in both his arms. Mujou turned to them with a slightly peeved expression on his face. " Next Time you try to pull this s**t..I;m killing you all.." Just then four large money bags fell from the ceiling, collided with the ground with a loud thud. Mujou picked them up, hoisting them on his shoulders, two on each. He turned to the village, a mean mug aimed in their direction, they responded by scattering in terror, Mujou smirked arrogantly. "Yeah that's right bitches.."