I am employing a Banner Contest! I have not found any banners for us to put in our signatures, and thus decided to fix this problem. If you want to help the guild out, or just want some extra gold, here is your chance!
1st Place: 30k
2nd Place: 20k
3rd Place: 10k
(If only 2 people put submissions then I will split the 3rd place prize amongst them in addition to there winnings.)
1. Must involve MW2 graphic of any sort
2. Must not break Gaia TOS
3. Must fit in Signature Box
4. You may submit as many banners as you like, but only 1 will be eligible for a gold prize.
Time Frame
I will run this event until one of two conditions are met.
1. The date is July 25, 2010! (This gives everyone 2 weeks!)
2. I have enough samples for people to vote on!