I'm going to set some ground rules down for you people, these aren't completed there just something to get us through until we have a more defined set of rules in place, and remember the moderators govern this place, you still do as they say and you do not backtalk to them.

+Obey Gaia's ToS

+No Begging. You want something, you quest for it. Only one quest thread and it must be organized.

+No Page Stretching. That includes pictures and text.

+No Unwanted Spamming. Don't advertise in other people's threads or beg.

+Don't Block The Moderators. Blocking us impairs our ability to do our jobs, which is run this guild. You will be banned until you remove us from your ignore list.

+Do Not Make Threads Disputing Moderator Actions. If a thread is locked or deleted, do not make a thread about that thread. The thread was locked or deleted for a reason, and you're only furthering the problem by continuing the thread in a new one. If a user is banned, do not make a thread "why was ____ banned". If you wish to dispute, the proper channel to do so is via PM.

Don't necro without a good reason (necroing means bumping a very old thread). This rule applies to most threads: There's no good reason to necro most threads. The discussion is long over, so necroing is rude and confusing.

A few examples of what you CAN necro:
- Quest threads if you, the thread author, are still questing
- Contests if you, the thread creator, are still running that contest
- Archival threads that still have potential. This means threads like picture posts, etc, where you ask for submissions from users and collect them in the first post(s). If you, the thread creator, wish to actually continue such a thread, then you may bring it back

Necroing random threads just to be a d**k will probably get you banned outright.

Other Information:
Intentional disruption of the guild is reported. No trolling, flaming threats, stalking or generally harassing behavior is allowed.

Your mule accounts are welcome.

Rape and Molest threads are not allowed anywhere on gaia, you cannot make them here.

This thread will be updated as I think up or am pointed out something I missed.