Hello everyone I am trying to finish my dream avi, the items that I already have are Black Stockings,Emo Glasses, Gray SKA Shoes,Silver Promise Ring, Masquerade,Actaeon's Blessing,Liam's Sweat Star Wristbands, and Charcoal Black Artist's Beret. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Any type of donation is welcome.

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Total Value: 2,023,925 Gold, 10,500 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Stockings
GO Phones
Classic InstaSnap P860
Class Headphones
Charcoal Black Artists's Beret
Gray SKA shoes
Emo Glasses
Liam's Sweat Star Wristbands
Silver Promise Ring
Masquerade 8th Gen.
Actaeon's Blessing
Mona's Potion