Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: WildFire (YaseKaji)
Rank of Jutsu: B
Jutsu's Element:Combination(Fire, Wind, [Sub-Element]Oil)
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Taught by Yuji Reigan
Description: This is nearly simple as it sounds, it's like a wildfire. First the user will spew out a bunch of oil in front of him[Like the Bed Of Fire technique] Then the user shoots out 4 fireballs the size of exercise balls, when this happens the user can use his Wind element to make winds blow on the fire and make it go everywhere, causing a giant wildfire to start. The downside to this jutsu is that it uses up a lot of chakra but the user can still use some jutsu before he is completely out of chakra.

Your Rank: Gennin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Shield Of Light
Rank of Jutsu:B
Jutsu's Element:Bloodline[Kamisama]
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Can only be taught by Yuji Reigan
Description: Since the Kamisama clan are known for their pureness and wanting to defend their friends and family, the Shield of Light will help them do that. All Yuji does it put his hands in front of him, the shield then forms around him or anyone he chooses, and can only be penetrated by powerful jutsu such as Rasengan or Chidori. This jutsu is a means of protection for Yuji at any time and and can serve as a shield from the outside world, allowing Yuji to store chakra in the process. Only 1 shield can be up at a time. Genin can hold the technique for a minimum of 6 post, gaining a post as rank increases.

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Spear Of Light
Rank of Jutsu: B
Jutsu's Element:Bloodline, Universal
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?Taught by me
Description: This can be combined with the Shield of Light[Was Accepted]. When the user uses shield of Light, he can form it into a moble Shield but the shield will be very heavy so it will be hard to move but it will be a good defense. The user then does one handsigns and he says Spear Of Light and a spear forms in the user hands[Like Piercing Hellstrike] but when the user throws it, the spear comes back to the user like it's connected to him. Depending on your rank you can keep the spear active. Genin 2 posts, chunnin 4 posts, jounnin 6 posts, sannin/kage 8 posts. Also this jutsu doesn't use up as much chakra as shield of light since it's a smaller object but it will still use a substantial amount of chakra.