hey alrite ima make this quick and simple because i dnt wnt to waste any1s time. alrite well here goes i was hoping on joining this guild so you guys can help me make my dream avitar. this is sorta hard asking you guys for this. because the only reason im asking is because i got hacked and then i got banned and then i got hacked AGAIN! yes i know its hard to believe and you guys may think im a scammer or im lieing to cheat you out of stuff but im not! and yes that means this is my 4th gaia account so all im trying to say is if you guys can help me out!

items currently questing
carlos the alpaca
lusty scoundrel
prized possesions (yeah i noe i didnt spell possesions rite)
coco kitty
mona the platypus
and finally checkered nightmare
but you guys dont rlly need to help me out its just if you guys wnt too
(i will also accept gold donations)