I Hate haters
Anime:High school of the dead
Name of weapon: Switch axe
Your Rank:Chunnin
Who owns the weapon: Austin Magaraa
Where it was found/Who made it:Stolen from a traveling weapons merchant you can choose one or the other, you can use both if you want)
Users Class:Taijutsu
The Range of the weapon:as far as it can be stabbed or swun
Weakness:speed is an issue,its as heavy as a great sword.
Description: The switch axe is a very diffrent weapon.Due to the size of it with a press of a button it can turn into a great sword and back.
Picture of the forms here:
User Image
User Image
ignore the bone in the picture it as the axe look but as a sword

Rp Sample:
Austin was walking done an ally way for a short cut to the raikage office.He wanted to do a mission so badly seeing how there was nothing to do anyways."Why is it every time i take a short cut theirs someone following me?"Austin said as he stopped and turned around and faced two man that looked pretty dirty.They had long greasy hair and bags under their eyes.They looked pathetic to Austin.
"Whats that thing all wrapped up on your back boy?"One of the dirty men said as he eyed the wrapped up switch axe."It doesn't matter to you guys now does it?"Austin said as he shrugged.Austin noticed that the two men were getting closer to him."Come one give use a look..." The greasy man said as he grinned, showing hit disgusting teeth.Austin smirked and he grabbed the handle of the wrapped up switch axe and held it out towards the men."You want to see it so badly...well i guess i can show you..."Austin said as he grinned evilly and pressed a button on the handle as he did the wrappings suddenly tore off. revealing the sword form of the switch axe."You did us a favor...We don't have to unwrap it now...something like that could fetch a pretty penny."Austin sighed as the man spoke those words and pressed the button again making the sword turn into its axe form.Austin walked up to the men and pointed it toward the man."Not for sale..."Austin said as he swung at on of the men and and left a gash in his rib cage. Austin then pressed the button and turned it into his sword form.The transformation rips he man's organs out.Austin pulled the sword out cleaned it off.Removing the blood and guts on it Austin wrapped it up again and tied it onto his back.Before Austin left he took out some money and threw it at the man."It costs fifteen bucks to get to hell...You'll need this..."Austin then walked off

13. Highlight Bottom ((Added a rule, and Highlighted bottom))