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Total Value: 81,674,862 Gold
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[Item Information]

Item List:
G9 Laptop
Shovel Blade
Frostbite Blade
Infernal Spirit 4th Gen
Padmavati's Lotus 10th Gen.
Inari's Beads
Gimpi 5th gen.
Hermes' Moon
White Drome Egg
Spirit Falcon
Kiki Kitty Mascot Suit
Death Whisper (13th gen)
Elemental Wings
Elemental Hair
Alruna Doll
Vampire's Blood Moon
Mini UFO
Pantheracorax Agate
Dark Star
Devil Tail
Fausto's Bottle 9th gen.
Demonic Wind
Guitar of Demona
Nitemare Claws
Vampire's Bat Swarm
Assassin's Guise
Triple Demon Horns
Rock Puppy
Wild Armor
Wild Armor
Wild Armor

Wild Things
Arrowhead Fish Sword
Flame Sword
Yama no Tamago 2nd Gen.

ANY Donations will be very much appreciated.
If you donate any of the items or more than 10k gold your name will be on my profile for ever.
If you can't donate anything because your poor or on a quest,at leaast tip this topic smile

Thanks for your time!