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USERNAME; Ebilferrituvdewm
CHARACTER NAME; Shiro tentousama
AGE; 21
RACE; Human
PERSONALITY; Shiro hates people. He has the urge to kill almost anything that moves, whether or not he chooses to follow his urge depends on how he is feeling. He is very protective of someone he seems fit to live and to care about. Shiro shows some mercy to women, but none to men. He is very quiet unless he has been angered. He has a short fuse. So be careful.
COLLAR; Black, Mauve, Dark Blue
CHARMS; Sword, Spike, Chain, Dagger, Black rose, Demon wing, Lion/
LEASH; Black.
HISTORY; Shiro has been a murderer since he was 14. He saw a man brutally beat his mother, and his mind snapped, he killed the man and threw the body into the street so everyone could see. Shiro spent 7 years running and murdering people. He found a pleasure in killing. He was captured after he found a small girl who he couldn't bring himself to kill. He was sold into slavery because the government deemed him too dangerous.
LIKES; ►Blood
►That little girl who he couldn't kill
►abuse towards women and children
►Not being allowed to kill
ANYTHING ELSE; Shiro has a hand blade like in the picture, his armor is bolted into his chest, and it can only be removed if he wants it to be. He is Bi-Polar and will switch to different emotions alot. He almost always has his scarf over his mouth.