:The Smoke Jutsu Master:

Academy Rank Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Smoke Screen Jutsu
Rank of Jutsu: Academy
Range of Jutsu:
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
Through the use of chakra, the user exhales smoke atoms that are dispersed into the smallest visible form creating a light haze that shrouds the vision of anyone in the vicinity of the user. Everyone inside the cloud of smoke are basically blinded, you cant even see your hand fully extended in front of you. The smoke is hard to breath in, and will cause coughing and wheezing, but no suffocation. The area that is clouded dependents on the rank and skill of the user, the stringer the ninja, the larger the area they can shroud.
Name of Jutsu: Smoked lungs
Rank of Jutsu: Academy
Range of Jutsu:--
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
This is a passive jutsu that has been trained up to become passive. The lungs of the user become accustomed to many different kinds of smoke, causing them to become immune to the smokes effect. The ninja can breath smoke as cleanly as if was air, and the lung of the shinobi can replicate and create smoke particles. However the generation of smoke is not infinite. A constant intake of smoke on a regular basis is required in order to continue production.

Genin Rank Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Smoke dome
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Range of Jutsu:Max Area Dependant
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description: The user exhales a thick cloud of smoke that forms itself into a defensive dome. The dome of smoke can be made small to encase just the ninja, or large to encase and protect a squad of ninja. The walls of the dome are thick and hard and are a challenge to break through. The smoke will repair itself from damage, but a large hole will require a lot of chakra to fix, thus taking up another jutsu as if you preformed the technique again.
Academy: thick wood and stone, 10 foot area
Genin: Weak iron, 20 foot area
Chunin: Steel, 30 foot area
Jonin: Re-enforced steel, 40 foot area
Sanin: Diamond hardness, 50 foot area
Name of Jutsu: Tar Bullet
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Range of Jutsu: 10 meters
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description: the user must have a thick amount of tar in their lungs. Using chakra, they increase the amount, and turn the tar into a very sticky mushy form. They then spit the tar like a bullet, the tar can pin a person to a tree or walls, and can also be spat onto the ground. the tar is almost impossible to get out of while wet. Requiring a strength of 9 or more to break free, but drys in 2 posts. the dry form can be broken with a strength of 4 of greater.
Name of Jutsu: Smoke combustion
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Range of Jutsu:--
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description:This makes the smoke of the user, ignitable. The user must chose if the smoke can explode before it is created, and can not change the type of smoke afterwords. The smallest spark can cause the smoke to explode, the force of the explosion is based on the amount of smoke, and can be used with any smoke style jutsu.
Name of Jutsu: Smoke forming
Rank of Jutsu: genin
Range of Jutsu:--
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description:The user draws in smoke after doing hand seals. The smoke shapes itself int different things, a cup, kuni, shuriken, katana, anything the ninja wants. The smoke becomes a solid copy of that item, looking almost real, but having a smoky vile about it. These items are well made and act as the real thing.
Name of Jutsu: Smoke ball
Rank of Jutsu: Genin
Range of Jutsu: 20 meters
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
The user builds up smoke in the lungs, spiraling it and condensed the particles together. The smoke runs up into the mouth, filling the cheeks, and is them expelled with cannon like force from the mouth. The spinning ball of smoke is similar to a cannon ball and deals roughly the same amount of damage.

Chunin Rank Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Drilling Fist
Range of Jutsu:melee
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
The user spirals smoke around one, or both of there hand and forearm. The smoke begins to spin rapidly and spread to form a solid cone around the arm. The smoke takes the form of a drill and tears into flesh with a mix of infused smoke and wind. But the drill breaks apart on bone, yet it can destroy weaker shields that use simple wood, dirt, weak rocks, water, ext. The drill can cause some serious damage and can kill if the right places are hit.
Name of Jutsu:Smoke spear
Rank of Jutsu: Chunin
Range of Jutsu:long
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description: The uses forms smoke in there lungs or in there hand. The smoke is then condensed and fired like a beam, the smoke is extremely dense and has a very fine point on it. The Spear can not be bent in any way or even moved and dissipates after the shot. It is designed to pierce defensive jutsu, but it is easy enough to dodge since it can not be curved after fired.
Academy: thick wood and stone
Genin: Weak iron
Chunin: Steel
Jonin: Re-enforced steel
Sanin: Diamond hardness
Name of Jutsu: Smoked Snake
Rank of Jutsu:Chunin
Range of Jutsu: 20 meters
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description: The user turns their arm into smoke and can extend it to great lengths. The smoke is solid and can strike the enemy, But this also means it can be attacked and destroyed. but the smoke can reform. The snake is also flexible, so it can coil around the enemy to bind them. This can only be done when the user turns their body into smoke, and only lasts 3 posts.
Name of Jutsu: Smoke Blades
Rank of Jutsu: Chunin
Range of Jutsu: Far
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Description: The user spits out crescent moon shaped blades of smoke, from either their mouth, of a smoke source. The blades can cut deep into a person or tree with ease. 1-5 blades can be fired at a time, depending on the amount of chakra put into the jutus.

Jounin Rank Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: Grand Spiral of Smoke
Rank of Jutsu: jounin
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a close ranged technique. the user begins to transform parts of their body into smoke, then begin to spin the smoke rapidly around their body. the smoke will begin to look like a tornado with 10 steams of smoke spinning around you. The force of this will push anything close to the user away. Then in an instant the user release the true power of the technique. The tornado explodes outwards, each stream moving in a direction direction as it unwinds. Anything struck by a stream will be sliced open as if by a blade. And even if not struck, everything is hit by a powerful blast of wind knocking targets off their feet and knocking the air out of their lungs.

Name of Jutsu: Smoke dragon(or snake) fist
Rank of Jutsu: jounin
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: with smoke spinning around the users fist they will use the Smoke dragon projectile. But the dragon with be twice a big and three times as powerful. The dragon will fly out at alarming sleep and bite its fangs into the target. The smoke is still bound to the users arm, allowing them to control the dragon. As the drag holds onto the target, they will find it nearly impossible to breath as if breathing in smoke.


Your Rank: Sanin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Laughing gas
Rank of Jutsu: Jounin
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu(augmentation)
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Description: This is a technique used to augment the smoke screen/smoke cloud technique. The smoke is altered to affect the mind when it is inhaled, causing the user to begin laughing uncontrollably and hysterically. It only takes a bit to get the laughing going, and the more you laugh the more smoke you intake. This laughing can cripple weaker shinobi (Chunin or lower who are not a Host), forcing them to use every ounce of there will to simply take in enough air to live. Stronger Shinobi however can continue to fight, but can not suppress the laughing though will alone(some kind of a jutsu may be possible). The effects of the gas linger for 2 posts after they have stopped inhaling the smoke.
Only one smoke augmentation can be active at a time!

Sanin Rank Jutsu

Name of Jutsu: S Ranked
Rank of Jutsu: Smoke binding Armor
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
Jutsu Type:ninjutsu
Description: This is a technique used to defend yourself wile in close range. The user coats their body in smoke forming a thick armor. The armor can be as simple as what you normally look like, skin, clothing, hair ext. Or as extravagant as a samurais armor, or knights, or whatever the user in visions. The user may also layer to armor to take forms up to 10 times there normal size. The armor's strength is based off of your rank:
Chunin: Steel
Jonin: Re-enforced steel
Sanin: Diamond hardness
The jutsu will also enhance the users speed if they are from the Smoke Shifting bloodline. The Armor can only be worn for 10 posts unless the user is of the Smoke Shifting bloodline.

Name of Jutsu: Perfect Cigarette Clone
Rank of Jutsu: S-Rank
Jutsu's Element:Smoke
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Description: After preforming the needed hand seals, the user filled a cigarette with chakra, and then lights the tips. Tossing the Cigarette it will then burn, and the smoke will form into a copy of the user, much like several other clone techniques. However, this technique is better, forming a more solid and powerful clone. The perfect clones are solid, and are only destroyable by the same effects that would kill a person. This made them drastically more durable than other clones, and they can even preform several jutsu. However due to nature of their form, they take twice as much damage form water based attacks.
The clones have the same speed and strength as the user, but can only have 1/4 as much chakra as the user. The clones can however only preform Smoke based jutsu. They can also preform taijutsu techniques, but none requiring chakra above Chunin rank.
The clones remain active so long as the cigarette keeps burning.(10 posts)

Your Rank: Sanin
Ninja Class: Ninja
Name of Jutsu: Paranoia Cloud
Rank of Jutsu: Sanin
Jutsu's Element: Smoke
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu(augmentation)
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Description: This technique is used to augment the smoke scree/cloud technique. Inhaling the smoke laced with this jutsu will cause hallucination and paranoia. By affecting the fear portion of the brain the victims mind will cause there fear to manifest into a reality, but this is not a genjutsu and can not be kaied out of. The stimulation of the fear portion of the brain will trigger a fight for flight response, forcing the victim to flee from there fears or lash out at unrealistic hallucinations. Anything or anyone they look at will see them in a more sinister or terrifying manner, or possibly as someone or something else. There words may be distorted, thinking them threats, or traumatizing events in there past. Since this technique directly affect the brain, a Medical ninja of at-least Chunin rank can use the diagnosis skill to understand what is happening, but they must have a way to cure the ailment, which may require an even stronger Medic.(not sure what jutsu are out there that would cure this.

The effects will weaken significantly after the target has exited the smoke, but will linger for may days(2-3 IRL), possibly affecting the target for a lifetime in minor ways. After direct contact to the smoke has ended, the target will only suffer minor paranoia, perhaps thinking the medics trying to help them are actually monster trying to eat there soul. After exiting the smoke this skill is treated as a poison, so someone immune will only be affected inside the smoke, and those resistant will cure much faster. Hosts of jounin rank or higher are immune the the affects of this jutsu entirely.
Only one smoke augmentation can be active at a time!