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USERNAME;XxxDefective BarbiexxX
RACE; Japanese and American
ORIENTATION; pansexual
PERSONALITY; She's really cranky. Sees the glass half empty and a real pessimist. She isn't afraid to tell things like it is and will often say mean things to others and put them down. Deep down she just wants to be treasured and once you get on her good side she's the type of slave that will cater to her master.
COLLAR; Grey/Mauve/Dark Blue
CHARMS;Blue Teardrop, Blood red drop, and eyes
HISTORY; parts of her memory are blocked out due to traumatic experiences. In time bits and peices will come back to her with horrifying results.
LIKES;sex, sweets, and hentai
DISLIKES;spicy food, her small breasts, being forced to dress up in cosplay
ANYTHING ELSE; she has a red tongue ring. Her pet peeves is seeing women w/ large breasts (she wishes she had them)