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PERSONALITY;Snow has a calm personality. She will open up after awhile to her master. She was beaten as a child and has trust issues with people who have an authority figure over her. She also is a hot head. She might yell and snap at a person over something small. She will stand by her values and leap into fire after someone she cares about.
Semi-obedient (5,000$)
Not broken (Been a slave and is not broken) (200$)
Rare (Only 1000- of your race left) (10,000$)

Blood Red drop: Treated harsly (700$)
Yellow Rose: Flirt (90$)
White Rose: Easily domanated. (3,000)
Hand: compassionate (542$)
Sword: Rebel (700$)
Flag: Takes a while to get attached to his/her master/mistress (200$)

Deep pink: pleasure toy, Personal or just toy (3,979$)

HISTORY;Snow was abused by her parents when she was small. Her dad would beat her when he came home drunk and her mother was a drug addict. She wouldn't even bother to stop the things that happened at home. She was small when her mom died from an overdose and her father then was worse with the beatings and came home drunk every day or every other nights. She would go days without eating and she would have to scavenge food. She was also an outcast from her friends due to the fact that she was a different being, that she wasn't human. She was an Inu and it was hard for her to fit in anywhere she went. At the age of 17 she ran away because she had enough, she tried to last as long as she could but she passed out in an ally. She woke up in the slave market and doesn't want to be here badly. She wants out.
-The Night
-Someone who will care for her

-Mean People
-Complete Silence

ANYTHING ELSE;Snow can turn into a wolf.