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USERNAME; Kira McDaine
CHARACTER NAME; Mycah Zembodah
AGE; 20
RACE; Changling
PERSONALITY; Mycah is very sly, sarcastic, dark, and dangerous. She is very tempermental, and is silent whenever the hell she feels like it. She loves to talk back and can descieve almost anybody. Mycah believes in the whole, 'an eye for an eye' retaliation motto.
COLLAR; Black; Mauve; Gold
CHARMS; Sword; Spike; Chain; Blood red drop; Dagger; Eyes; Book; Moon; Black rose; Demon wing; Lion; Sword; Flag
LEASH; Deep pink; Blue; Black
HISTORY; Mycah has been known in the past to kill people. She has had a terrible childhood and was raped when she was only 5. The memory is vague, but it traumatized her for life. She killed both her parents when she was 8, and has lived on the streets for 4 years. She was turned in to the slave market after her street life, and every master has tried to avoid her. A few masters/mistresses she has been sold out to, she attempted murder, but failed on only 1 or 2.
((Btw, A changling is almost like a shifter, but can only shift into one chosen animal. Sort of like a werewolf.))
..: biggrin eath::..
>>Bright colors<<
>>Not being able to take revenge.<<
ANYTHING ELSE; Her inner animal: ..: razz anter::..; Carries her sword everywhere.