What being part of the Crew entails:
+ Monotoring all forums. Deleting posts if they are offensive, if the person is spamming/trolling/begging.
+ Helping out the members if they have a question or need assistance about something in the guild.
+ Monotoring the members of the guild, if there are members who show outstanding illiteracy, spamming, trolling, or begging, to remove them from the guild with a reason, or to PM them to give them a warning.
We do not need people who aren't going to do their job
Make sure if you choose to apply to be part of the crew, that you'll help run this guild, and that you will help keep it's members active and following it's rules.
How to Apply
Fill out this form & post in this thread:
Gaia Join Date:
Guild Join Date(rough estimate):
Number of Guilds joined in:
How often are you on Gaia?:
How can you help this guild?:
This thread will be checked back regularly! So post your application, and good luck!