Name of Jutsu: Kaginarifuyu (Eternal Winter)
Rank of Jutsu: S rank
Jutsu's Element: Snow Sub Element
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
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Description: A jutsu that can only be performed by the most talented shinobi that have trained in the country of Snow. This technique causes a massive change into the climate of a certain area and is mainly used to change a warm climate into a cold one, letting a Snow shinobi reign supreme. By manipulating the moisture within the ground and air the shinobi is able to make an eternal winter begin by freezing the water beneath the earth itself and turning the ground into frost. The air then becomes cold and snow begins to fall for seven days and seven nights, blocking out all sun light and leaving the once fertile area into the current state which the Snow country is in. This jutsu can only be used twice in a lifetime as it actually permanently damages the inner coil by draining so much chakra. The Village that this jutsu is used in will forever be covered in Snow.

Name of Jutsu: Yukikeiji (Snow Apocolypse)
Rank of Jutsu: S rank
Jutsu's Element: Snow Sub Element
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
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Description: This jutsu can only be performed once a week in real life since it is such a powerful jutsu. By manipulating the moisture within the atmosphere up far into the skies the shinobi is able to make over fifty giant comets made entirely out of snow. These comets descend upon a targeted area (6 or less threads) filled with chakra and ready to explode as soon as they make contact. This jutsu brings new word to long range artillery and is only used in the most dire of situations or to cause as much destruction as possible. These comets each explode with the force of five exploding tags.

Name of Jutsu: Hyoufukkatsu no Jutsu (Ice Resurrection)
Rank of Jutsu: S rank
Jutsu's Element: Snow Sub Element
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu
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Description: Witnessing several ressurections in her past planted seeds of thought into Kairi's mind. Thus, this Jutsu was born. Not a true resurrection, but a Genjutsu version. In order for this technique to have full effect, however, the user must know the person he is 'summoning from the dead' very well, facial features, personality, everything. The user will charge Chakra to his fists and then thrust his hands onto the ground before him, and the snow on the ground will start to rise up and take the form of the person the user is summoning. This illusion is completely controlled by the user, however the target does not know that so it appears to be a resurrection technique. All actions by this illusion are merely mental damage, and have no effect on the physical body, however the target will most likely think that the effect is there. Genjutsu Kai will work to dispel this illusion, however the target has to figure out that it is a Genjutsu before dispelling it, which is very hard to do.

Name of Jutsu: Secert Art: One Hundred Thousand Needles of Death and Destruction
Rank of Jutsu: S rank
Jutsu's Element: Hyoton
Jutsu Type: Bloodline Ninjutsu
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Description: An all powerful technique, a powerful upgrade of the A thousand Needles of Death. The technique requires a mass amount of snow or water, but it pays off in the end for it. The user can use this with one handed seals, and stamps their foot on the ground, a mass amount of water or snow in the area flies into the air and surrounds the target and the user, ten rows surround them, containing a total of one hundred thousand needles in all. The needles are made from the snow or water frozen and solified. The user then makes another seal, and row by row, the hundreds of thousands of needles converge onto the opponent. The body is said to be nothing left if struck by these needles till the end. By using an even greater amount of chakra (A second S rank jutsu), the user can cause each of the needles to explode, causing a major explosion that even if the opponent dodges the needles, it would be difficult to dodge the explosion. The technique itself is very difficult to avoid, though there are ways.