User Name: MizOfTheWaterTribe
Character Name: Lady Mizu Hibaque
Sex: female
Age: 20
Personality: Very serious,
Dislikes: noise and happy go lucky people
Likes: Silence and food
Angel, Demon, Or Human,: Demon
Ablities( Three Maximum): Spell casting, Mind reading, Time travial
Bio: Lady Mizu was suppost to be the next in line for the crown untill her farthers dead before her crowning day ended all of that
User Name: Mizukie_Hibachi
Character Name: Lawliet Chuckia
Sex: male
Orentation: Straight
Age: 19
Personality:Happy and eager to fight
Dislikes: the Color White, Party poopers, and work
Likes: Partying, long nights, Raves
Angel, Demon, Or Human,: Demon/human
Ablities( Three Maximum): dancing, Fire breathing, and Judo
Bio: Lawleit was born when a Demon raped his moother giving birth to a party animal, litterally, with his anime like ears and love of the night life there was little to nothing his mother could do to keep him from the world of Demonica.

User Name: Laken Alexiel Redhawk
Character Name: Roselina
Sex: Female
Orentation: Heterosexual
Age: 18
Personality: Outspoken
Dislikes: Annoying people, herks who think they're better than evryone else, snobby girls, suspicious people
Likes: Reading, writing, Nature, singing
Angel, Demon, Human, Elf, Dragon, or any magical Creature you can think of: Demon
Ablities( Three Maximum): Can control the Elements, including the Spirit of someone's soul.
Bio: Roselina is an Earth/Light Demon. She is the Gaurdian of the People *or Demons in this case* and hopes to become Quene to make her world a better place

User Name: Guineviere Rosiel Night
Character Name: Caelyn Moon
Sex: Female
Orentation: Heterosexual
Age: 20
Personality: Sweet, lovable, and daring. She is good in a fight.
Dislikes: Rude people, people who look down on her.
Likes: Guys, herfriends.
Angel, Demon, Human, Elf, Dragon, or any magical Creature you can think of: Angel/Human hybrid
Ablities: She can control Water and Fire. The Moon, and the Sun effects her mood, the tide, and her elemental control. She is the the reincarnation of Artemis.
Bio: Her father was very abusive. He killed her mother when she was 16 because he thought she was trying to leave him, and thought she was cheating on him. He was an alcoholic. She was raped twice when she was 15, and once more before she ran away. Like her mother before her, she tried to leave. But she got out.
User Name: Senku Mochizuki
Character Name: Senku
Sex: Male
Orentation: straight
Age: appears 10
Personality: Rude at times, cruel, and happy and may sound forgiving at times but really isnt.
Dislikes: People who make fun of his size, people who eat his sweets, humans sometimes
Likes: Sweets, foods, Swords, spears, ect.
Angel, Demon, or Human: Demon
Ablities( Three Maximum): Traveling to diffident dimensions, skilled weapons, and many summoning skills.
Bio: Senku used to serve Lady Mizus father until his death. Now seeing that the throne is avalible he just decides to help out Lady Mizu only because he feels the her family should still be in charge of the throne and also because he has nothing better to do as of now.

User Name: iTetoKasane
Character Name: Hikari Katsu
Sex: Female
Sexual Orentation: Bisexual
Age: N/A
Personality: Depends on what mood she’s in, Default mood is Cheerful
Dislikes: Kimchi and other spicy foods and enemies
Likes: Cream puffs and most sweets and friends
Race: Alchemist/Demon
Ablities( Three Maximum): Able to use vector arms, Alchemist, and Telekenisis
Bio: Hikari was raised by an alchemist when she was young and at age 14, he suddenly disappeared leaving Hikari to fend for herself. One day she was so desperate to live that a demon engulfed her and now she is a demon.

User Name: MizuOfTheWaterTribe
Character Name: Hanahily Itachi
Sex: female
Age: 13
Personality: Eger to please and ready to fight
Dislikes: humans, angels,and dogs.
Likes: Demons, Dark nights, and cats
Type: Demon/cat
Ablities( Three Maximum): night vision, high since of smell, and unable to fall in battle
Bio: As a young kit I was given to lady Mizu as a pet now that the Demon world is in the spot it is I want to help her keep her spot so I can be treated like royality.
Username: magedude299
Character name: Kyoya Oshigi
Gender: Male
Orentation: Straight
Age: 19
Personality: Calm
Dislikes: Idiots, Girls, Greedy people
Likes: Violence, Fighting, Reading
Race: Angel
Abilities: Control lightning, Flight
Bio:He is a fighter on the streets, but a prideful soldier in battle. He has no friends, and has no bonds. He doesn't know anything about friendship, and never will.