Welcome to Warehouse 14, A Specialist Government Warehouse which stores supernatural artefacts, Warehouse 14 takes after Warehouse 13 after the Race change over, when a mysterious force causes all humans to go extinct and nearly all animals go anthro.

Owner: YingBlanc
Techs and Storage:

Wanted Lists:


Artefacts Discovered but not contained (updates every time there is a possessor.):

To Join give these facts:
Picture: (Optional)
Artefacts Held: (All Agents, Techs and Storage has a Farnsworth SEE HERE TO SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE)

1. Follow normal ToS
2. Swearing is allowed.
3. No racist remarks.
4. Violence is allowed. Just no godmodding. It can just be a struggle with a possessor.

Full List of all the Artefacts already in Warehouse 14

Enjoy your time RPing smile

----------------------------------------In Charactor----------------------------------------

Name: Ying Blanc
Species: Arctic Wolf
Age: 47 (around the time the switch happened with the races)
Gender: Male
Position: Owner
Picture: None
Artefacts Held: Farnsworth, Bear Grills' Coat (keeps the user at a constant temperature of their choice while being indestructible)

Ying stood outside the newly built warehouse 14 in the middle of the Nevada Desert where the last warehouse stood and waited for the New agents, or at least an artefact to appear on his modified Farnsworth, he opened it and looked at the world scale map, usually an arctic wolf couldn't stand desert climate so he found, the legendary human, Bear Grills' Coat in the old warehouse and put it round him at a climate he could take.