Your Rank:Genin
Ninja Class: weapon
Name of Jutsu: Wakizashi
Rank of Jutsu: Genin+
Jutsu's Element: Wind,Weapon(only if it has one)
Jutsu Type:Weapon Ninjutsu?
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Yojimbo withdraws his sword and slashes the enemy.If up close it can rip metal abit,When long range Wind can dent the metal.

Genin: Up close can cut through the small part of the metal
Can rip apart katana.Far away can barely dent it
Chunnin: Up close can rip through large pieces of metal such as armor or great swords.
Far away can make a big dent.
Jounin: Up close can rip through full metal walls
Far away can cut through thin metal.
Sanin or Kage: Up close can rip through Diamond.
Far away can rip through full metal walls.

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: weapon
Name of Jutsu: Duel Stance
Rank of Jutsu:Chunnin
Jutsu's Element:
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
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A climatic part to a samurai's fight like in the movies. The Duel Stance.
Suddenly after the user is out of breath he gains enough energy to boost his speed higher then ever before.He will run at the person and do a final slash.
A Samurai's finishing move.
((can only be used twice per battle.
Speed goes up one rank for 7 posts
Cannot be used again for another 10 posts after this has been used the first time.
The second time there is no waiting time.You simply can not do it any more.))