Reddeye Gojiro Kiryu
Hello everyone, as you can see, my name is Reddeye Gojiro Kiryu.

At the moment I am here to speak to you about a guild known as Srots ("Soul Reapers of the Seireitei")

This is a bleach guild, and what is bleach exactly you ask?

Well if you don't know, it is an anime. It is a more famous one in Japan, and the United States, as well as in other countries. What is Anime you ask? Seriously... if you have to ask that, and you are on gaia, you are crazy biggrin

Now, I am here personally to promote my squad, which is the listed, most blood thirsty, violence loving, kill enjoying, and just all around deranged squad, known as Squad 11.

Long ago in Srots, squad 11 was the biggest, most active, and just all around power squad of this guild. I being the ex leader of this guild, after handing it to a good member in which had attempts to bring it back, which are not working as well as he thought. So this is to not only bring members into my personal squad, but to help breathe life back into this great guild.
I personally am the Captain of two people who have upgraded into a Captain seat, one of which had to leave gaia forever, he will be missed. One of which is still active, so if you want your chance at great power within the bleach world, you for sure want to join my squad, and follow the most powerful, and deranged captain. My ways are not difficult, but will take up some time during your role playing so that others can notice you as well.

So remember, if you are into bleach, if you want some blood shed, if you want to move through ranks in a way to show that you can be powerful, hell if you just want to be a member of my squad so that you can say you are apart of one of the most glorious guilds, in one of the greatest squads, join now. I can assure you, when I am done with you, you will have your blood lust filled on the inside, your writing skills should improve, and your imagination will be used.

Now, if you didn't notice at the top there is the name of the guild, which is the link to it. However if by any chance it does not work, then here is the link again.

Later on my signature will change to be a picture in which you can click to take you to the home page.

When you request to join, please state this "Joining Reddeye's squad of the 11" and you will have auto acceptance when someone takes a look. If you get denied, please private message me, or post here, and I will personally invite you into the guild.
So if you do join, please be active in my squad.

I do hope that there are some people on here that would like to join.