More of a humor-type thing, but here goes.

So in make-your-own-character mode, I seem to have a thing for gentle yet badass dark-skinned characters. In Fallout 3, I was a black good guy with purple hair; in Mass Effect, I was a black guy with blonde hair and managed to Charm Saren to suicide. (I was Paragon most of the way.)

And today, I got my hands on Dragon Age: Origins and my face stretched with glee when I made a black dwarf. A black dwarf noble, at that!

Now, I don't know if anyone else took this route, but eventually you're framed for the murder of your (admittedly overbearing) elder brother by your younger brother. And in my mind, I can't help but add, "It's 'cuz I'm black, ain't it?"

I also wanted to do the same thing for the end of Mass Effect. Remember where you get the option to let the Council die? And Garrus says "I hope you know what you're doing, human"? I was like, "WHOA, did Garrus just throw a racial slur at me?" Just the way he said it! If ONLY he had said "You people" instead. Then had the Shepard option "What do you mean, 'you people'?"

I would have loved Garrus forever if the above happened and he responded, "...What do YOU mean, 'you people'!?" Just imagine Garrus in his Turian double-voice quoting Tropic Thunder. Go on!

Anything you want to add? Don't make me the only one spouting things! You must have some kind of MST3k moment in there somewhere.