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Azeiel's fallen souls

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Azeiel The Risen

Feline Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:20 pm
-Basic Info-
Name: Sun Arashi
Nickname(s):Harbinger of the North
Bender and what kind if yes:Master Fire Bender. Learning Lava bending.

Hair color:Black
Eye color:Orange
Skin Tone:Tanned
Height:69" (5'9")
Weight:173 lbs.
-More Info-
Side: Neutral
Weapon(s): Spear
Likes: Peace, sparring, and beauty in all its' forms
Dislikes: senseless fighting, drunkenness ,anything that causes chaos, and the destruction of beauty.
Personality: Arashi is a strong willed person, he is loyal to his cause to the death, and is willing to put his life on the line for his beliefs. He is unnecessarily reckless when it comes to the protection of friends or self. He never ever gives up until he is unconscious or dead. He has the will of fire in his blood and that will never allow him to withdrawal from any challenge. He will sometimes stare into nothingness for long periods of time. He is quiet mostly. He can hold a conversation with those he confides in. Arashi is incredibly intelligent, and can predict people's actions by observing their behavior.
Biography: Sun Arashi, born to Sun Rah of the Fire Nation and Feng of the Sun Warriors. He was in fact born in the Sun Warrior civilization. His father was an artist who traveled through the Fire Nation seeking inspiration and motivation, he was quite surprised to stumble across the ancient city of the Sun Warriors. It is here he met Feng, however he was greeted cautiously by the inhabitants of the city but he eventually gained their trust and one the heart of Feng. After two years with the Sun Warriors, Feng gave birth to their child, Sun Arashi.
Arashi had a very sheltered childhood, his parents were very caring and he was well accepted as part of the community. He would play with the other children for hours in the sun and return home before sunset to his family where he would told fables and myths about the firenation, firebending and the like. When some of the older more worthy firebenders were ready they would face the masters, two dragons, Arashi and some of the other children would observe the ceremony from afar, dreaming of one day becoming part of that ritual.
It was at the age of 5 that Arashi began to learn firebending, he showed particular talent in his production of fire. His training was based on Sun Warrior philosophy and techniques that were considered to be the Dragon style of firebending, as it is based off the origins of firebending. He would later learn that there was an entire world beyond his home, full of wonders and a style of firebending some referred to a Phoenix style firebending. It was so called this because when people turned away from the Sun Warrior culture, the dragon style eventually "died", so to speak, and from the ashes of the original form was born a new style, just like the tales of the phoenix.
At the age of 8, his father decided he would return the mainland with Arashi, Feng agreed to come along with them and adopt new customs. This didn't concern the child, he would even at times forget about his home. He continued his training in firebending and learned the new style, never forgetting the original style though.
At the age of 10, he and his parents had finally settled in Shu Jing, acquiring a home, employment and school enrollment. At first Arashi didn't seem to fit in but after a few days he gained very good friends. His education mainly consisted of fire nation history, literacy, mathematics, arts and music, a very high level of education this was considered in the fire nation. Throughout the years of school he took a liking to the other nations and their cultures, often asking many questions about their bending styles.
He had been assigned to play the flute in music classes, he was frustrated with his lack of skill at first, many months it took before he could play it well. He seemed to take to painting much easier however, often amazing his classmates. His modest and kind natured personality one over many people in school, unfortunately this personality would be buried under a stoic one in years to come.
At age 13 his body began to develop a great deal more, losing lots of childhood fat and gaining muscle, growing much taller and his control over fire increasing. However the older he got, the less he wanted to use firebending for self defense and more for the art of it.
He was often regarded as a great story teller, as he recounted legends he was told as a child when he was home with the Sun warriors, although he never let on about the Sun Warriors current existence. It was during the telling of many of these stories that Arashi came to realize that he had not yet faced the masters. He promised himself that one day he would take his turn in the ritual of his people.
He had been seen as a very mature young man as a 14 year old, intelligent as well. He wasn't the most popular individual in school and didn't care if he was or not, he was happy to be with his friends and was admired for this. There were times when another fellow, Shu, would tease him for being from an un-wealthy family, having barely any fat on his body and other petty things. To this Arashi would just chuckle and walk away, ignoring his insults, on some occasions even replying with some sort of philosophical saying that he knew Shu wouldn't understand, despite this Arashi and Shu were never hostile towards one and another, almost as if they both enjoyed laughing at each others insults. His ignoring of insults would be carried on to grow to include his ignoring of compliments, this would happen in his late teens however.
At 16 he had agreed to undertake military training for the Fire Nation army, he would be trained in Shu Jing and offered payment for his training. Some of this money went to supporting his family. He and his close friend Bai had become a couple, he and Bai were inseparable at times. Arashi had always gathered flowers for her, everyday reminding her how beautiful she was. She was very pure and kind, they were happy to simple lay back on the grass in each others arms. Although after being together for 8 months, Arashi had to travel to another village for a week long training camp organized by the army. Upon his arrival he noticed that Bai was less driven to want to be with Arashi, he also noticed that she and another guy, Chan, would talk to each other more often. He had guessed what was going on and after a week or so, he gave up and declared to Bai that he believed that the relationship had stopped, she admitted so. He later asked what came between them, he asked this rhetorically, she said she wasn't ready for a relationship anymore. Sure enough Chan had moved in on her and they were a couple.
This occurrence had left Arashi severely broken, and lost, he didn't know what to do about anything, this was the beginning of his stoic persona. Bai had confessed to him that she felt terrible about what she did, to this Arashi said,"I do not blame you, no one would want to be with me anyway," his face void of emotion as he spoke these words. He made peace with her but not with Chan, he'd known him for years but never considered him a friend, only acted friendly towards him as it was more polite. He often fought his own thoughts, a true test of his self control, to not harm Chan in any manner, so as to not hurt Bai.
Eventually, Chan approached Arashi, he had over the years claimed to be the best firebender at school, earning a certificate that said so at the age of 11. He wished to perhaps have a spar with Arashi, overconfidence oozing out of him, Arashi however explained that his certificate from 5 years ago meant nothing seeing as he had not trained a day since then.
To this Chan was furious, lunging towards Arashi, fists flaring. Arashi took a small step to the side and allowed him to rush past. Chan falling to the ground quickly got up, turning to face Arashi he leaped towards him, another punch leading the way. This time, Arashi stepped to the side and grabbed Chans wrist, twisting it to create an armbar. Swiftly he jerked his arm to force him to lean backwards, stepping in behind Chans legs he released his arm and let him drop towards his knee. Chan let out a high pitched yelp as Arashi stopped his fall by grabbing Chans face, his back just floating above Arashi's knee.
Arashi leaned over to view Chans face, sweat on his forehead and eyes wide open, darting around. Arashi leaned in closer and spoke ,"The eyes are a window to your soul and I see a coward." He spoke this loud enough for everyone around to here and then leaned in closer to whisper,"Your life hangs in my hands, consider what you've done to me," at this Chan began to pant heavily, fearfully. Arashi stepped his leg away from Chan and dropped him to the ground advising him to learn some humility as he walked away.
It was soon after this incident that Bai and Chan split, Arashi made sure that Bai was alright, guided her through her troubled mind. She at times made hints that she wanted to be with him again, however Arashi had decided long ago that he was not the right person for her and simply ignored these hints.
At the age of 17 his training now introduced weapons, he chose to learn the sword, training with both straight and broad swords. He showed exceptional skill in these weapons, more so than firebending. He trained everyday and was not satisfied with his training until his body would collapse. During this year he was finishing his school education, slowly bidding farewell to some friends and promising to see others in the village when he had the chance. It was awkward with Bai, so Arashi simply said,"See you round." giving her a smile before walking off to training.
At the age of 18 he had finally decided to join the army, much to some of his friends and his parents dismay. Although there was a war occurring that the government hadn't informed the villages about. Constantly his friends would attempt to convince him not to leave the village and his family was simply concerned for his welfare. Arashi assured them that he only wanted to see the world that exists beyond the Fire Nation, to this no one could think of anything to say to stop him.
It would be a month before Arashi was given confirmation of his request to join the army, he was to leave for a training encampment located outside the capital city. He endured some hard and emotional good byes from his friends, he kept a smile on his face and left some words of wisdom for each of his long time friends. At home he practically needed his fathers help to pry his mothers arms off of him.
After two months traveling he arrived at the encampment and was assimilated into recruitment almost instantly. He was now learning about higher literacy, politics and more advanced martial arts. He, as usual, seemed to grasp the martial arts very well, he was very literate compared to other recruits but wasn't able to grasp the concept of politics, it just didn't make sense to him. Early in the training, the recruits were assigned platoons to be with for the duration of the training. These platoons were based on certain levels of education standards, Arashi was placed with other literate and skilled martial artists, all of who did not understand politics. The captains referred to this team as the dragons, other teams following animal themes like komodo-rhino's, vulture-griffin's or more humorously turtle-ducks.
In this the dragon platoon, each man would be given a nick name, some of them following the lines of dragon. Arashi was named Sleeping Dragon after quite some time, this was due to his fierce fighting abilities that no one actually expected him to possess, therefore he was said to be home to a sleeping dragon. Some of them joked that it actually meant he breathed fire in his sleep, there is a degree of truth in this.
The year passed and he aged to become 19, it was time to participate in campaigns in the Earth Kingdom, this was the first news of any war that most of them ever heard about, bit of punch in the face for Arashi. Despite what the situation was , Arashi simply followed his orders and carried out his duty, under his captain Liang's guidance.
They were to quell some quarrels in the smaller island communities of the Earth Kingdom in the south. One of these islands was Kyoshi Island, Arashi's platoon stayed to assist in fighting off bandits for a month or so, he was quite fond of the Kyoshi Warriors style. After much questioning and requests, the warriors agreed to teach him the basics of the katana, only he had to train topless, he never got the hint that was implied, he was too emotionally detached. His fellow soldiers or giggled about this but were amazed at his new knowledge of the sword. When they're duty had been fulfilled on the island, they were presented with gifts like clean clothes, food, supplies and for Arashi a pair of katana, one longer than the other. He was beyond words for his gratitude so simply promised he would return some day.
They're campaigns continued, Arashi was questioning why they had to wear armor all the time, they barely ever needed. Only a couple of earthbenders had they faced, they convinced him that it was to make you stronger when you are not wearing armor, he accepted this idea. Every chance he had he trained with his two katana, whether it was with one or both.
Arashi's platoon had passed through a mountain range said to be home to an Air temple, they all deemed it un-necessary to travel to the temple, the nomads had been through enough from what they've heard. They did however pass a small group of monks that were traveling to the temple, paying their respects they continued down the path, only to find that the monks had been attacked, swiftly they returned to the monks and assisted them in dispatching a group of bandits. They lost one man and Arashi had thrown himself in front of the monks several times to protect them.
After the ensuing violence, the monks presented them with prayer beads, to remember them. They accepted these gifts and continued on towards the main land of the Earth Kingdom. It was on Liang's 21st birthday, several months after Arashi's 20th, that the soldiers had randomly got onto the subject of where the Avatar was in all this war. It was then that Arashi realized that he had barely ever heard of the Avatar. Throughout the night they all shared stories and theories of the Avatar, all wondering whether he was even told to be the Avatar yet.
Over the following year, the dragon platoon had fought in several long and hard battles, eventually losing Liang to an illness he acquired from an arrow wound. Arashi was then made captain of the platoon, leading the group into many successful victories against rebellious Earth Kingdom forces.
Upon turning 22, it was decided that Arashi be promoted to lieutenant and he was ordered to stop uprisings in the east. Much to his surprise, these uprisings consisted of many earthbenders and rogue firebenders. A month long battle raged in the eastern provinces of the earth kingdom, a battle which had one swordsman slash Arashi down his face and later on a firebender blast off a section of his armor, scarring his left shoulder. He endured through the battle even with these injuries.
Some time before he turned 24, he had acquired his tattoos in the fire nation capital whilst he was called their on official business. He was to learn the Royal Guard style of martial arts and teach it to his troops. He did so and returned to the Earth Kingdom for his final battle in the army.
Gaoling had been attacked again, Arashi was part of several teams to stop the violence, he had succeeded in defending the city but in the final moments witnessed in full effect the horrors of war, innocents running and screaming for safety, peoples homes blazing with flames of his comrades, this was not the life he wanted. During the battle a fellow soldier had been scorched from a fallen building his face unrecognizable, his armor melted, unidentifiable. At the spur of the moment, Arashi quickly wrappedmoat of his own head with scrap clothing, throwing on a long coat. When another had come over to survey the body they asked if he had seen what happened. Arashi leaned down with his face covered and said, "Yes...Sun Arashi is dead..."
He fled the city and stripped himself of his armor, donning himself in the clothes he currently wears.
Over the next year and a half, word had spread to the Fire Nation that he had died in action. At the age of 25, he returned to Shu Jing, no one recognized his face, luckily but some people claimed he looked familiar, to this he faced them with a blank face, spoke not a word and continued on his way.
Currently he wanders the land, not revealing his identity to anyone unless trusted. He trains everyday with his martial arts as he is not satisfied with his abilities. To get by, he lives off his earnings from the army that he had never spent. He feels that there is something for him in the world, i greater purpose but is unaware of it as of yet...(sorry its so long got carried away)
Theme Song: Time of dying by three days grace
PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:08 pm
Long is good! Accepted, but do you want to add a picture?  

Stream the Angry Child

Chatty Prophet

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Azeiel The Risen

Feline Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:27 pm
yea i was planning on it i just need to find the right one  

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