Name of weapon: Gourai - Strong Thunder
Your Rank: ANBU(Jounin)
Who owns the weapon: Regula Kaguya
Where it was found/Who made it: It was created by Regula Kaguya himself.
User's Class: Monk
The Range of the weapon: Six Feet (Length of Blade)
Weakness: Chakra Drainage. Weak Against Water And Earth Techniques.
Stage I
During stage one Gourai is no different than a large, heavy blade which can be use freely without any risk of draining the carrier's chakra. It takes on the form of a seven foot long sword-the handle reaching a foot and the blade itself reach a good six feet. The blade is thick and durable and is imbued with chakra. It is hard to break but this does not mean it is unbreakable.
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Stage II
When activated the blade takes on a completely different form. It glows a mixture of red and orange and even white for it is now extremely hot. Electrical chakra surges through the blade creating heavy thermal energy. When the blade is swung it leaves behind a trail of fire and anything it touches incinerates. As the blade transforms it morphs with the user, creating a layer of armor around him and sprouting him wings. These wings are capable of allowing the user to fly around freely. While in this state lightning nor fire style techniques, B-Rank and below, can harm the wielder. But there is a down side. Since the wielder is now covered in heavy armor the blade gives him a boost of strength and speed allowing him to move as he normally would, as if there was nothing to weigh him down. As he stays in this form his chakra slowly depletes until it is completely gone. (-2 Chakra Points Per Post Its Activated & -10 For Activating It)
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Rp Sample:
Regula stood there silently. He was beaten pretty badly and only had one more shinobi to take care of. He kept his left eye shut tight for behind it he wielded the Seki-Reigan. His eye-patch had be cut from his face for he had narrowly evaded a close encounter with death. A small smirk appeared upon his as he watch the shinobi twenty meters in front of him began to create a string of handseals. The shinobi took in a deep breath and put his hand to his mouth. "Goukakyou no jutsu!" he said before exhaling. An orb made of raging fire spewed from his mouth. The sixteen year old boy merely smirked. He raised his sword and whispered its name. He lunged forward at the giant ball of fire. As he ran there was a flash as he "transformed". He ran right through the fire ball. He lifted his sword and swept it through the shinobi's abdomen, slicing him clean in half. The two halves of the body were immediately caught upon fire and began to wither away. The sword began to return to its normal state and Regula's armor began to fade away. The boy dropped to his knees for he had used the rest of the chakra which he had.

Name of weapon: Shudo-shi no Tamashii - Soul of the Monk
Your Rank: Ex-Kage
Who owns the weapon: Regula Kaguya
Where it was found/Who made it: Found on the outskirts of Kumo
Users Class: Monk
The Range of the weapon: Short
Weakness: It cannot physically cut. It consumes large amounts of chakra. -3 chakra points per post and -1 chakra point every time a main attack is used.
Description: This blade is made up of pure chakra. In order for the blade to be used the wielder has to constantly pour chakra into it. When formed the blade looks just like any other sword. It's length matches that of a normal katana. The handle and scabbard are made up of oak. This makes the blade seem normal when truly it is not. The blade can be used to create internal damage to the opponent. When an opponent is struck by the blade the limb which they are struck in begin to internally "explode". The veins within the body began to explode and the muscles begin to tear. This causes excruciating pain and also renders them unable to use that limb. If the opponent is struck within the torso their internal organs begin to shut down. It takes a short while till their heart stops beating(4 Posts). It can be used to fire off condensed chakra through the air in the form of a blade at the opponent which strike the opponent with devastating force. This force can cause internal hemorrhaging and bruising. The weak ones are able to cause hemorrhaging and bruising(Counts as B-Rank Technique) while the stronger "air blades" can create enough blunt force to fracture bones and break weaker bones(counts as S-Rank technique).
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Rp Sample:
Regula approached the lone shinobi with a grin upon his face. The shinobi made a quick string of handseals. He inhaled deeply and fired an extreme ball of fire at Regula. Regula leaped over the ninjutsu fired at him. He cam down from above and hacked the blade downward through his target. The shinobi gasped for he thought he had been cut. When he realized he did not he quickly tried to initiate another ninjutsu for use against Regula but found himself unable to perform the technique for he realized he could not move the arm Regula had "sliced". The shinobi could feel a severe pain shooting throughout his. Before the shinobi had time to think on what could've caused this for Regula sent a bone spike straight through the heart of the shinobi.