Name of weapon: Dragons of Heaven and Earth
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Kazuma Koroko
Where it was found/Who made it: Family herloom weapon that has been passed down onto Kazuma, as the story goes an ancient civilization was in turmoil due to a conflict between two Dragon Gods. The Dragon God of the Earth believed that human conflicts cannot be solve in a peaceful manner, thus leading then to a endless path of murder and destruction to the earth therefore they must be eliminated. The Dragon God of Heaven however did not believe of such a thing, Humans were precious just as the earth itself and was sure that they could be resolved through peaceful means. This split the the civilization to two sides and was sent to war for whoever god they sided with. Endless blood, death. and chaos was brought about and it was destroying the Dragon God of heaven's heart so in order to stop this it battled the Dragon God of the earth, using every last bit of his energy the Dragon God of Heaven sealed both his and the Dragon God of the Earth's essences into a pair of Gauntlets and Greaves
Users Class: Taijutsu
The Range of the weapon: Melee to mid range
- Charkra consumption ranging from low(9%) to mass(45%) amounts depending on the element output
- Strains the body severly if over using
- One Post recharge after a large usage of power.
- Gauntlets and greaves cools down after 5 posts from little usages
- A Doton and Raiton user can only wear these weapons (Character has these elements)
- Can slow the movements once out of chakra
These pairs of metallic armwear and legwearwhich engulfs the arms entirely all the way to the elbow, and the arms from the foot to the shins. The metal is dense up to endure attacks from swords, kunai, shuriken etc, also his tinted with black coloring. The gauntlet has claw-like fingertips sharpened to a razor's edge and three spikes are place on the shins of the greaves. As the name goes the pairs of gauntlets and greaves has two elements within them, Lightning and Earth. Kazuma can switch between the two, or can use them both at the same time, but that is a last resort. If its in the use of the lightning element his charka will pour into the gauntlets and greaves, they will soon give out a low glow of bright blue. Soon enough they will begin to spark up wildly with electricity. If Kazuma choose to, he can fire out swift bolts of it through punches and kicks. Switching to the Earth element is almost the same with Lightning, except the weaponry turns into a deep brown color. Upon impact the gauntlets and greaves can send out tremors, or shockwaves; the magnitude of it is all based on how much charka Kazuma place into it; also makes it looks like he has super strength with each punch. He can make each tremor be wide and area damaging, or send it at a specific target.