blood red: needs blood to survive
red: violent
blue: shy but will open up later on
pure white: is scared when she is alone and need someone with him/her
studded: will fight at first but will warm up later on
pale red: is tired from blood loss and needs to feed
sliver: gets tired often and needs to rest a lot
yellow- party animal/ hyper
pink- flirty
green- smart
purple- rare
white- innocent
brown- loyal
Lace: is delicate
Shear: seductive
Gold: rare but can change
Violet: moody
Spiked: most likely to run away
pale blue: will cry and scream a lot
dark spikes and stained with blood: needs blood or will become very furious
Purple: Rare
White: Doesn’t understand his or her powers
Sliver: Mood changes with powers

Sleeping dove: needs to sleep for a few days in dark quiet place
golden pin: is unknown to her powers
spiral: is cursed and needs to learn to control his/her powers
fangs: needs to be fed
charm bracelet: mood changes often
Double Heart: wants to make love
sword- protective/strong
Piano- music
funny hat- trickster/comedian
cloud- easily scared
Bandages: hurt or sick
Child: is pregnant or is taking care of a young child
Piano: plays music or sings
Spoon: cooks
Shoe: dances
Black Rose: abused
Broken Heart: lonely
Lilly: not a virgin
Dove: virgin
Emerald: has powers
small blossom: is fragile
blanket: wants a child
Bed: needs a lot of care
blue rose: is sad and feels abandoned
dark cloud: has nightmares about his/her past
pillow: needs comfort a lot
Charms bracelet: mood changes often
Vivian: can sense things that no one else can sense