Your Rank: (Profile not approved, but if it was, Genin)
Ninja Class: Free Lancer
Name of Jutsu: Chakra heat
Rank of Jutsu: D
Jutsu's Element:(only if it has one)
Jutsu Type:(Genjutsu,Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu) Genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?(Meaning anyone can use/learn it) Yes
Description: A non-combat jutsu used for eating the body internally. By concentrating the chakra in the body, the user can heat the internal structure to heat the body and save them from a harsh cold. But you must be very precise with your chakra. Use too little and the jutsu will backfire, causing your body to drop way below the average body heat temperature. Too much and your body will burn and your blood will literally boil, and it will give you an intense fever. You must keep a meditating stance the entire time you are using the jutsu, or it will break.
Rp Sample

(If requested)